Monday Morning Wood: Demand declines in Newspaper Industry to impact local pulpwood mills

Last week on TP chop shop day I was in Jackson satisfying my annual continuing education requirements. The banter in the room included a collegue from the Starkpatch area bemoaning the fact demand declines for newsprint was hurting a local pulpwood mill and how the pain was certain to get worse with the “Alabama newspapers” cutting back to three days a week.

To the extent rural Mississippi depends on the timber and wood products for well paying jobs, that which has happened in NOLA, Birmingham, Mobile and Huntsville is being monitored by what at first glance are unlikely observers.

So for those so interested in an industry that tanked like the print media after the housing bubble broke, check out the Forest 2 Market blog. The bottom line is the structural changes in the media are also bringing change to other places.


Monday tease: Slabbed finally locates the MIA Jefferson Parish DA Paul Connick. Simple junior, the Buddy System in action (Updated)

Slabbed has obtained documents related to certain contracts let by State Attorney General Buddy Caldwell in various state litigation against big pharma. It strongly appears Caldwell is using Allan Kanner as a “buffer” to give state contracts to local luminaries such as DA Paul Connick and Dale Atkins in these suits. Documents at 10 below the jump. Continue reading “Monday tease: Slabbed finally locates the MIA Jefferson Parish DA Paul Connick. Simple junior, the Buddy System in action (Updated)”