Because “That’s what we do”: Paul Purpura gets an attaboy from his friends at Slabbed

The quote came from another journalist replying to me when I mentioned T-P 24th JDC beat reporter Paul Purpura in conversation today.  Paul was one of the people chopped at the T-P.  I had heard the various news bureaus took particularly nasty hits, a fact which Kevin Allman at Gambit confirmed. Because we focus on Jefferson Parish, we’ve featured Paul’s work a good bit on these pages.

I mention all this because Paul was never mentioned in any of the other media coverage aside from that Gambit story above and he certainly was not spotlighted in the national media as were some of his more colorful co-workers that brought bottles of booze and tissues to work yesterday.  In respects though, what Paul did is more compelling to me, because he was evidently chopped in the morning and instead of going home went back to his beat filing this story on a child molestation trial in the 24th JDC.  How does a company replace such dedication?  You don’t folks.

Paul we’re all proud of ya.


The best Senate Banking Committee money can buy to hold hearings on JP Morgan’s two billion dollar plus trading loss

Not surprisingly, Alabama Senator Dick Shelby leads the list of Wall Street spit shine boyz JP Morgan has on the hill.

Now sit back, grab a popcorn, and watch as the bribees pretend to interrogate their paymaster.