We have a Butch Ward sighting and it isn’t good for Gulfport or the coast.

I have a few observations to make concerning Anita Lee’s front page story for the Sun Herald today. One observation is that Councilwoman Cara L. Pucheu of Ward 7 whose district is proposed to expand into a commercial area with few voters can only mean a few things none of which are complimentary to Pucheu, who is evidently either a stooge to Mayor George Schloegel or sold out to the Ward family a la former Gretna City Councilman Jonathan Bolar, now a resident of the Grey Bar Hotel at Club Fed.

The folks in Gulfport City government must certainly be ignorant of the massive federal corruption probe which is happening one state over in Louisiana with Team Ward at its epicenter or they would never be toting water for this notorious family. I’ll add that Holmes-Hines does no one, especially her constituents, any favors by serially playing the race card as this is not a matter of black and white. The color here is $olid green folks.

We’ll have more on this as Slabbed answers the question recently posed to me by a Jefferson Parish politician “What’s it to you”? If only the corruption in Jefferson Parish would stay in Jefferson Parish that’s what.


6 thoughts on “We have a Butch Ward sighting and it isn’t good for Gulfport or the coast.”

  1. Thanks. As I suspected there is more to this story than meets the eye. We’ll concentrate on Team Ward’s past in Louisiana while we await more news on their shit house doings here on the coast.


  2. Start monitoring the land deals, folks. By that I mean the rezoning petitions, the variances , that are granted, the land swaps and the infrastructure projects like road ways and drainage improvements that are planned for the area. Ask yourself who benefits.

  3. I feel for you. This is the Jeff Goldblum moment when all the narrative exposition in the world does not help because the townsfolk don’t believe any menacing alien could ever disturb their peaceful existence. Until it’s too late.

    And WLOX from the looks of it does zero investigative journalism, so here’s hoping TSH is waking up. Corruption feeds off of lack of reporting.

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