Slabbed visits Cairo: Kasr Al Nile Bridge…..

The video was shot by tourists from the balcony of a hotel in Cairo. It appears the shit is hitting the fan folks as ordinary Egyptians are obviously pissed off and not going to take it anymore.

Sein Fein! ~ sop

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12 thoughts on “Slabbed visits Cairo: Kasr Al Nile Bridge…..”

  1. This is a lot more “complicated” than “an oppressed people revolting for self-determination”. Americans have to realize that today’s Egyptians ( the “Gypo’s”) are NOT the same people who built the pyramids. That race has been forever CORRUPTED and POLLUTED by Muslims over many centuries, and has disappeared, forever. I know of what I speak, because as a young lawyer with Lemle & Kelleher in the late 70’s and early 80’s I made numerous trips to “The Arab Republic of Egypt” for a local supply boat company with vessels working for the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company in the Gulf of Suez. These were some of the most adventuresom, intellectually stimulating, professionally satisfying and financially lucrative trips of my life, and I will never forget them. My enthusiasm waned after Mr. Sadat’s assassination and the realization that “ignorance is bliss”, and that an American probably wasn’t all that safe in Cairo and its suburbs. I have to believe that what is happening now in Egypt, primarily Cairo, is a reflection on what happened in Iran when the Shah was deposed several years ago, and what is happening today in Tunisia and Yemen. The unrest in Cairo and dissatisfaction with the Mubarek Government (he’s been in power for 30 years) also seems to be related to the return to Egypt of an “anti-American”, “anti-Israeli” rabble-rouser formerly with the U.N., namely Mohamed Mustafa el Baradei. This charletan is the former Director General of the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency, on whose watch Iran has accomplished: WHAT? What is so perplexing to me watching the video of events on the Kasr el Nile Bridge is that the protesters really don’t have a clue what they are protesting about and that they are being used as “tools” of “somebody”. They will leave the protest and return to their slums and filth, which they have no hope of ever escaping, because they have no skills or education or ambition, other that to live in chicken, goat and sheep shit, and “love” it. They won’t even clean up their neighborhoods, ie. police the area by picking up the trash. Do they really think that life under Sharia Law, with the USA having YANKED the $2 billion or so we GIVE them annually, will be “better” than what they have today? Knowing the Gypos, they haven’t thought that far ahead, and they are are simply INCAPABLE of doing so. Ashton O’Dwyer, a direct descendant of Ferdinand des Lelesseps, builder of the Suez Canal.

  2. To “supersalemgr”: Actually, New Orleans is a microcosm of South Africa. As South Africa goes, so goes New Orleans. I used to thing that Cairo was more like Mexico City, but that was before the Gypo’s became violent. Now I’m not so sure. What I am sure of is that “The Muslim Brotherhood” is behind the violence in Cairo and elsewhere in Egypt, which is a RED FLAG. Ashton O’Dwyer, direct descendant of Ferninand des Lesseps, builder of the Suez Canal.

  3. For those who are interested, the “Lame Stream Media” are now widely reporting that the “anti-government protestors” are now LOOTING whatever they can, all over Cairo, including “attempting” to loot the antiquities in the Cairo Museum, which is being “protected” by the military (gaining access to the Museum and other valuable assets is but a matter of time). And all of this is being done with chants of “Allah Akbar” (or “Allahu Akbar”) which is what was chanted by Major Abu Nidal Hassan during the Fort Hood Massacre. Ashton O’Dwyer, direct descendant of Fernand des Lesseps, builder of the Suez Canal (which Nassar managed to CLOSE for several years – nobody thought out in advance how much THAT would cost Egypt, either).

  4. Ashton,
    I honestly think that you are full of shit, ignorant and can not even spell your english vocabulary right and you call yourself a lawyer. I visited Egypt as a tourist twice in the past 12 years and I can tell you that I felt alot safer than the ghetto that your stupid ass live in. The Egyptians are far more civilized and educated and alot more hospitable than most of your NOLA population. They are just opressed and run by a dictatorship that we call a moderate country and why? because they serve our best intrest in keeping best buddy Israel safe. by the way we give the Israelis 4 billions a year and they still spy on us . Ferdinand des Lelesseps DIDNT built the suez canal you ignorant fuck but 100,000 Egyptians died while digging it so your ships dont have around the cape of the good hope for months to steel the arabs oil. plus how can an Irish O’Dwyer be related to this French criminal Des Lesseps. el baradie never worked for the U.N, he worked for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and was never anti Israeli but more ant-Iranian. Stop lying and fabricating facts and History because people like you who ride the wave and take advantage of a nieve society like the one you live in are scumbags….and that’s what you are!

  5. Ashton has a habit of running current events thru a racial prism in order to gain context. When you don’t see people as people and instead dehumanize them it makes the next step, hate, much easier.

    The sad fact is Israel is the root cause of about all our problems in the middle east. The sadder fact is you can’t trust any of the US media to get an accurate picture of the middle east, especially Faux News which is an adjunct of the Israeli Embassy IMHO.

    One thing is for certain, the Israelis learned well from the Nazis when it comes to oppression.


  6. To “wajy”: Sticks and stones (and personal attacks)… Well, why should I bother responding to you. But I really don’t like being called a LIAR. Perhaps you’d like to do so to my face. I am a direct descendant of Ferdinand des Lesseps through my Maternal Grandmother, whose maiden name was Richardson. My Grandmother’s “given” name was Emma Lesseps Richardson, and I have at my house the documentation tracing my lineage on that side of the Family directly to Ferdinand des Lesseps who, I repeat BUILT the Suez Canal. As for the “Gypos” and your tourist trips to the ARE, I believe you are a living example of “ignorance is bliss”. As is the situation in Mexico City and other parts of Mexico, I have said since my first trip to the ARE in 1977, IF EVER THESE PEOPLE RISE UP, look out! Well, it’s now happened in the ARE. NONE of them, however, is worth one American life. They are, generally, lazy, stupid and corrupt (all endemic conditions which will NEVER change). As for Mohamed Mustafa el Baradie, I will stand my ground. His REAL political sympathies (anti-American and anti-Israel, concomitantly with pro-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood) are being intentionally “masked” by the “Lame-Stream” Media who glowingly call him “Nobel Prize Recipient and Presidential Contender” el Baradie. Yeah, right. He got his Nobel Prize from the same clowns that gave one to “Obummer”, for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. And I have a suggestion for you: Why don’t you go LIVE in the Arab Republic of Egypt. I don’t think the looters (ie. “freedom fighters, but really just CRIMINAL THUGS who are just looking for their next opportunity to STEAL, PILLAGE, BURN AND DESTROY) will take very kindly to your personal attacks. Ashton O’Dwyer a/k/a “The WHITE Henry Glover”.

  7. Oh, Man! Life is already getting “better” for those genius “freedom-fighters” in the Arab Republic of Egypt: You know the ones who are “too smart” to go to school, and who won’t work for a living, because they expect the Government to support them; and who live in chicken, goat and sheep shit, with garbage all around them, because they expect someone else to clean up for them. Well, now the looting is widespread; at least one shopping mall in Cairo has been looted and burned; the police have “disappeared”; and people are being robbed, and cars are being being vandalized and burned all over. And now for the best part: The “protesters” (ie. criminal thugs who long for the return of Sharia law to the ARE) have freed “hundreds” of Muslim extremists,) and “thousands” of common criminals, from Mubarak’s jails. Now THAT’S real “change”. Just wait until the Muslim extremists (never mind the common crooks) get their paws on GUNS and EXPLOSIVES. There are going to be some “fireworks displays” that will make the Massacre in the Valley of the Kings in which @ 40 tourists were murdered by machine gun fire, the Massacre in Giza where 10 or so tourists died from automatic fire, the recent explosion at the Coptic Church in Cairo (which was a precursor to the current CHAOS), and numerous other atrocities committed by “Arab Freedom Fighters”, look like child’s play. American aid (both military and economic) is “on the line”; tourism is “WRECKED” for years to come; no financial institution in its right mind would invest in the ARE; and now the “freedom fighters” have opened the doors of the jails. Yeah, Man! Things are getting “better” already. Ashton O’Dwyer, direct descendant of Ferdinand des Lesseps, builder of the Suez Canal.

    1. Yep, Sup, just like New Orleans where a privledged few live in mansions paid for off the backs of the other 99%. The smouldering resentment is a large part of the reason Jim Letten has been able to fuck with AROD for so long without much of a public outcry.


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