8 thoughts on “What we need now is a Tuesday Slabb-a-leak!”

  1. How’bout, “Slab-i-leak”, “Slabileak”, “Slabb-i-leak”, “slab’I’leak”…
    …I don’know… Slabb-a-leak sounds like something you do in an outhouse on the farm or a clown skit after the Rodeo at Angola.
    Jus’sayin… we be slabbin.

  2. hehehe… “o” would work too!
    Slab’O’leaks… but if you’re going to ride on the coat tails of wiki’s eponymous metaphor then at least do them the honor of meme succession and cultural track-back in the spelling.

  3. Chris Roberts made Judge Henry Sullivan recuse himself from the Parish lawsuit re release of Insurance Docs because his ( the Judge’s) wife was on the WJ Board?

    Roberts used what $ to donate to Clara Byes ( West Bank Senior Center maven) and for what purpose?

    Email between Roberts and Young reads very stilted and cold.

    What emphasis should be placed on the ” Call me on my phone” emails?

    And the letter from Roberts et al to Gruntz re the questions needing answers before they can tell Gruntz what they want to do re Whitmer’s resignation OBVIOUSLY WAS WRITTEN BY GRUNTZ !!!! Gruntz wrote the letters for the Council to give to him…hilarious

    Such fun reading sop…Roberts and Debbie Villio were so close.

    And the Rainey cc on the email to Gruntz regarding what Rainey had written…puhleeze…as if no one knew Roberts was the leak of all things to the TP

    Personally, I like Slabb O’Leaks…

  4. Some of these could have been sent from his home throne during his 5:oo A.M. toilet training hours . So take a deep breath and try to hold it as long as you can as you read them. Speakin’ of plumbing – how’s bout Slabbin’ & Leakin’ which Christolia robertiae is doing right now in his diaper reading his e-mails.

  5. Keep in mind by this time Roberts is aware that the feds are reading his stuff (note the emails regarding collection from the servers) and he may be papering the ol’ trail in a more positive light.

    But also, Roberts shows this email on his FB page: “[email protected]

    Is this the same or different from the email addy these were pulled from: “[email protected]” ?

  6. Anyone else noticing that Chris Roberts pushed through $40,000 in lighted street signs even after he was told they were expensive and hard to maintain? He pulled this money from needed repairs to Roads and Drainage just because “[e]very progressive community I have been in has them.” Huh?

  7. Just in case anyone has any questions about who knows what…and note Magner’s directive that AMV be in the loop !

    —– Original Message —–
    From: LGruntz
    To: TCapella; JYoung; CRoberts; EltonLagasse; BLee; LCongemi; CynthiaLeesheng
    Cc: AVandenweghe
    Sent: Tue Nov 24 15:25:55 2009
    Subject: FW: Grand Jury Subpoenas
    See e-mail below from US Attorney regarding our e-mail search. Please advise whether or not you have any
    objection to this procedure.

    Louis G. Gruntz, Jr.
    Deputy Parish Attorney
    1221 Elmwood Park Blvd.
    Suite 701
    Jefferson, LA 70123
    Tel. (504) 736-6300


    From: Magner, Michael (USAEO) [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 11:56 AM
    To: LGruntz; AVandenweghe
    Cc: Ford, Amy J. (FBI); Horner, Lisa M. (FBI); Downie, Scott R. (FBI); Kennedy, Greg (USALAE)

    Subject: GJ Subpoenas

    Importance: High

    Louis: Sorry I missed your call earlier. You can reach me at either of the DC numbers below.
    I wanted to get back with you concerning the search of the e-mail
    servers and tapes. We’ve spoken with the FBI’s IT experts and they are
    willing to assist in the downloading of the servers and tapes so that
    your folks won’t have to physically conduct the search and possibly miss
    relevant materials as you and Anne Marie feared.
    We would need you as the Acting Parish Attorney in this instance,
    however, to consent to such a search in writing. We, of course, would
    treat the matters as Grand Jury material, and protect the confidentially
    of the data. The FBI can then search the data using the search terms
    they deem relevant and prudent.
    Would this work for you?

    Would you please include Anne Marie in your response? I don’t have her
    e-mail address and I’m guessing at it above.

    Mike Magner

    From: Ford, Amy J. [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 4:47 PM
    To: LGruntz
    Cc: Magner, Michael (USAEO)

    Subject: Request

    Mr Gruntz,
    Per our phone conversation earlier, I am requesting a copy of the
    findings which your office forwarded to the ethics board.

    Additionally, I am still addressing the other issue we discussed
    regarding emails.

    FBI SA Amy J. Ford
    BB 504.329.9811
    W 504.816.3260
    [email protected]

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