Guess who (dat judge) – Federal judge “strikes down drilling safety rules”

If you guessed none other than Louisiana’s who-dat judge Martin Feldman AKA “Boomer” hereafter, then you’ve got it:

A federal judge has ruled that the Interior Department improperly issued new safety rules after it imposed a moratorium on deep water drilling in the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill.

Tuesday’s ruling by U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman says the rules imposed in a June 8 notice to offshore operators can’t be enforced because the government issued them without soliciting public comment.

Last month, the Interior Department announced it was replacing the June 8 safety rules with new guidelines.

Feldman struck down the Interior Department’s first moratorium on deep water drilling in June, but he hasn’t decided whether officials were justified in imposing a second moratorium on July 12.

The Obama administration lifted the second ban earlier this month.

Huff-Po has the story – and some great reader comments, too.

“Here come de judge. Oily, ain’t he?”