Congressman Gene Taylor – the hardest working member of the team

Reports of Gene Taylor as a “do nothing” Congressman, like those announcing the death of a very much alive Mark Twain, “have been greatly exaggerated”.  Congressman Gene Taylor’s list of accomplishments on National Defense in the 111th Congress is even more impressive when viewed in total as this snapshot suggests:

Experience matters!

One thought on “Congressman Gene Taylor – the hardest working member of the team”

  1. One word Nowdy. Jobs……Jobs that make south Mississippi the economic engine of this state. Gene has oversight over the Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps with the subcommittee he chairs. Should Ike get re-elected and make House Speaker, Gene is in line to take over the whole enchalada at the House Arms Services Committee and should GOP win control of the House he has proven time and again he can work across party lines to the benefit of this area and the service branches we directly support.


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