fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o – very personal injury litigation circa 1934

“Some time ago suit was instituted in Waco, Texas, against the M–K-T Railroad by a woman alleging an injury by reason of an electrical shock received while in a signal tower belonging to the defendant.

I enclose herewith a copy of an Answer Actually Filed by the Railroad’s Attorney.  I think he treats a delicate subject cleverly, and it apparently served its purpose, because I have heard that the case was never tried.”

I’ve been working on the railroad takes on a whole new meaning in this Answer from the files of the lawyer father of one of our lawyer readers.

“Answering further, if need there be, this Defendant railroad Company would reveal to the Court that in truth and in fact the Plaintiff, Mrs. Hattie Beatty, for several nights prior to the occasion of which she now complains had strolled by the signal tower in question and one each occasion persistently propositioned this defendant’s employee at said tower, one Dockery, to engage with her in an ancient and popular pastime.

That the said Dockery is an old and trusted employee, a man of over sixty winters with snow in his hair but with summer in your heart; that the faint odor of Hoyt’s perfume touched his delicate nostrils and the full painted lips and rouged cheeks of the modern young Aphrodite brought back youthful dreams to his aging head.  Although the season was fall time, the sap began to rise his erotic soul as in romantic Springtime of Yore.  It was on the unlucky night of Friday the Thirteenth of September, A.D. 1934 that the said Dockery finally succumbed to Plaintiff’s feminine allurements, the price being one dollar, in advance.

That in all truthfulness the only mechanical contrivance or unique lever about the said tower in which the plaintiff expressed any interest whatsoever was that which hung on the person of said Dockery. (emphasis added)

That this Defendant Railroad Company had not equipped its said signal tower for any such passionate purposes…”

Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o!

Chaney keeps his promise – denies Allstate rate increase!

In an order sent to Allstate, the commissioner said the company failed to justify its rate request and has filed requests for high increases since Katrina in 2005, possibly as a way to price itself out of the Mississippi market. “The upward spiral of rate increase requests since 2005 is indicative of Allstate’s move toward excessive rates in Mississippi,” the Insurance Department order denying the request said. “This commissioner cannot in good conscience approve the rate increase request in light of this information.”
Although neither the press release or the Commissioner’s order were found on a search of the MID website, the Clarion Ledger reported the denial and the Sun Herald published a more detailed story:

As promised, state Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney has rejected Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Co.’s request for a statewide rate hike of 44 percent…Allstate requested the rate hike in March, after Chaney had rejected the company’s request for a 65 percent increase…

The Sun Herald story makes several eye-catching points:
  • As previously reported on SLABBED,Allstate “had at least two law firms working on its rate filing, including a Jackson firm that employs Mississippi’s former top regulators, former Insurance Commissioner George Dale and Deputy Commissioner Lee Harrell”.