9 thoughts on “Saturday Music: Vince Vance remembers Katrina plus 5. I am New Orleans.”

  1. I remember when Vince had a band called the Valiants which had a great 50’s & 60’s show. We had thme one time at my country club in Jackson. The show as around the pool and Vince finished off the show by going off the high diving board.

    Then I believe he had a little disageement with the law and was given some “vacation” at the people’s expense.

    1. Good memory. Vince was over in Bay-Waveland a good bit back when. I never got the cone head thing with his hair but he’s got talent.


  2. Dear Super Sales Manager, Thank you for viewing my video. And, WOW! Your Memory is great… almost perfect: I am a diver, but mostly for love. Vince Vance & the Valiants , of which I am the leader, still has a great oldies show. We never stopped performing. As a matter of fact, VVV played the The Legend’s 77 KAAM Sock Hop last night in Dallas at Edison’s. The tickets were $45. All members of the band were present, including my Vivacious Valiantettes: Vixie, Vera & Violet. Just this year we’ve performed concerts in AL, FL, IL, IN, LA, MS, NY, OK & TX. Though I do make solo personal appearances, we’ve been together contiguously as of the September 18, 2010 for 39 years. During that time, we’ve played 7,000 concerts in 13 countries and 34 states. Oh, about the jail time… Look, I didn’t do any hard time. Swear! -Vince Vance

    Dear Sop81_1,

    The taller the hair, the closer to Elvis. I receive messages through the cone.,

  3. If I’m not mistaken, the “original” Vince Vance of “Vince Vance and the Valiants”, who were popular in New Orleans in the 70’s, but who played 60’s music, was “Jim Viator”, who was a year or two behind me at Jesuit High School. I graduated in 1965. Also, if I’m not mistaken, the “Vince” in the KATRINA video is a cousin of my friend Brandon Mary, whose brother and Dad, “Doctor Chuck” and “Doctor Mary”, are featured in the video. His first name is, I believe, “Andy”. This video says a lot about New Orleans. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  4. In fact, Etienne Viator was the original Vince Vance. He subsequently sold the ‘franchise’ name and became a law professor at Loyola Law School. He has two incredibly musically gifted children who are rich in the roots of French Louisiana. His daughter, Alida, in fact began making violins (regularly had a booth at the Jazz fest and sold the few she crafted during the year). Alida is an accomplish player in her own right. Entienne himself has also acquired the reputation of a well respected musicologist concentrating on the origins of music of French South Louisiana and New Orleans proper.

  5. To Whitmergate: “Jim Viator” = “James Etienne Viator”. WOW! Didn’t realize that. Ashton O’Dwyer.

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