Tar Patty and Oil Locations in Southwest Hancock County

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These shots are from South Street looking southeast towards the Mississippi Sound.

Jackson Marsh. View of bayou towards sound from South Street

Another shot of a pond in the marsh.

A picture of the tidal bayou leading to the big pond to the north. Notice the water rushing out as the tide recedes.

Wildlife that depend on the marsh for survival.

The next marsh to the southwest.

The beach looking to the southwest toward the silver slipper casino.

Cleanup workers in the sea grass near Buccaneer State Park, Waveland, Mississippi

The newly installed fencing. It will not survive a typical east/southeast wind coastal flood event such as the one early this past week.

The infamous tar patty.

Anyone been here lately?
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3 thoughts on “Tar Patty and Oil Locations in Southwest Hancock County”

  1. Ivor Van Heerden is a BP WHORE! I can’t believe I ever supported this guy. I was mistaken about his integrity and may have been wrong for taking his side on anything.

  2. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeee Sop, I hope I’m seeing things, but is that brown oil as high up as Campbell Inside Bayou? As I have been shouting from the tree tops for weeks, “BP stop the dispersants you bastards cause you can’t hide the volume of your bloody Rothchild oil any more”. Last night tv news had reports that BP was dumping oil in {9) nine area landfills including one Handcock County Pecan Landfill with 150 tons recently with permission of Waste Management and over the objection of a Ms.Rockos.I wonder where the other 8) eight BP dumps are located, especially in Jefferson Parish with the landfill dispute in full tilt? Are political bosses getting payola for letting BP dump toxic oil with dispersants on our land now in addition to our waters. I say make the “bloody bastards ship their oil back to the Rothchild’s land and water supply so they can get cancer or toxic diseases,not us!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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