The Sun Herald and Anita Lee slabs Mississippi Insurance Commish Chaney and the insurance bastards at Liberty Mutual

It doesn’t get much better than this as Sun Herald ace reporter Anita Lee slabs Mike Chaney for not telling the whole story about Safeco coming back to the coastal wind market here in Mississippi:

When Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney announced earlier this week that Safeco Insurance would offer wind coverage to a limited number of customers, he neglected to mention he had approved an average statewide rate increase of 14.7 percent on homeowner policies for the company.

As Mr Chaney is a Republican and since those guys love to talk about the Ten Commandments I feel we must explore one of those commandments in connection with this post.  I’ll add that by virtue of 13 years of immersion in the Catholic Catechism I am versed in the concepts embodied in the 8th commandment (for our protestant friends it is the 9th commandment) so it is there we stop next:

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
It was said to the men of old, “You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.”

2464 The eighth commandment forbids misrepresenting the truth in our relations with others. This moral prescription flows from the vocation of the holy people to bear witness to their God who is the truth and wills the truth. Offenses against the truth express by word or deed a refusal to commit oneself to moral uprightness: they are fundamental infidelities to God and, in this sense, they undermine the foundations of the covenant.

Most politicians, as evidenced by their actions, must not think trivialities like the Ten Commandments apply to them and that all’s fair in love and war but by not mentioning the state-wide rate increase it appears Mr Chaney lied by omission which the nuns and then the brothers assured us was just as wrong as lying by commission.

As the original Sun Herald story filtered out  to the news aggregators I was tickled one that is often associated with the Mississippi GOP ran Chaney’s braying about Safeco under the lede SH – Wind insurance returns for coastal Mississippi and then linked the McClatchy DC syndication of the story rather than Anita Lee’s original Sun Herald report as advertised. While I won’t share the reason I think that was done, it will be interesting to see where this story is picked up besides Slabbed where politicians of both parties are fair game.

Folks the way I see it, the only way this country’s myriad of problems will get solved is if the voters discard all the partisan BS and stop electing crooks to office simply because of the letter that appears after their name on the ballot. One thing for certain, the insurance industry is getting their money’s worth out of Mike Chaney.


2 thoughts on “The Sun Herald and Anita Lee slabs Mississippi Insurance Commish Chaney and the insurance bastards at Liberty Mutual”

  1. The letter behind my name is (I) for independent. Switched years ago and glad I did. Got no use for those Rs and Ds. I don’t need no stinking party…unless there’s some Rebel Yell being poured. You in Pelican & Mathilde?

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