SLABBED Daily – June 19

Editilla was cooking on yesterday’s Ladder! Here’s a sample, have a bite – but first, Editilla just sent this sizzle on the Ladder today:

4 Investigates: Corps employees masquerading as commenters?

Is the Corps of Engineers Astro-Turfing It’s Critics?

Speaking of turning up the heat, Sam Friedman asks, Is this Hank’s last stand?

Chip Merlin has warmed things up in Florida with his latest post:  The Dirty Secret of Exclusions Some Major Insurance Companies Like State Farm, Allstate, Nationwide and even USAA, Do Not Want You to Think About and a great one I missed: Depreciation Should Not Be Taken for Partial Losses That Are To Be Repaired

… from round and about:

A.M. Best Downgrades State Farm Florida; Outlook Negative (Insurance Journal)

Obama Insurance Views Mirror Those of P/C Agents, Insurers, Regulators (Insurance Journal)

Insureds Entitled to Additional Flood Coverage in California (Insurance Law Hawaii)

…and straight from Congressman Taylor’s blog: Nationwide’s two-page Wind versus Flood Q & A for Mississippi and Alabama h/t Brian Martin

Not exactly a beach book but a lot of interesting reading. TGIF

You just can’t make this stuff up – a Rigsby qui tam update

Judge Walker granted State Farm’s dumb blond motion with an Order that reads like the wrong answer to Who was buried in Grant’s Tomb!

In their response, Plaintiffs argue that the motion should be denied because amendment would be futile. Plaintiffs argue that the April 21, 2009, settlement did not release any claims with respect to State Farm…

Plaintiffs offer little in the way of argument or legal authority explaining why the amendment would be futile other than the conclusory statement that the release did not apply to Plaintiffs claims against State Farm…

In the absence of a compelling explanation for why the amendment would be futile, the Court finds that issue of the scope and application of the April 21, 2009, release should be allowed to proceed.

You can’t make this stuff up; however, Orders like this are the reason a lawyer told me that we dolly-parton v2should forget pro hac vice and issue passports.

You also can’t make up what happened after Judge Walker granted State Farm’s dumb blond motion – but it took some Dolly boobs.

(“State Farm”), submits this Notice of Supplemental Evidentiary and Issue Submission by Means of Attachment to [96] Motion for Summary Judgment on Relators’ Claim for Retaliatory Discharge State Farm would show: Continue reading “You just can’t make this stuff up – a Rigsby qui tam update”