Updated. Slabbed Welcomes the Neurosurgery Department of Tulane Medical School

Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn,
Apple seed and apple thorn;
Wire, briar, limber lock,
Three geese in a flock.
One flew east,
And one flew west,
And one flew over the cuckoo’s nest.

Have Nurse Ratched and Dr Sprivey been misbehavin’ again? Don’t get Doc Pittman riled up now.

Since 2003, at least 6 residents in Tulane’s Neurosurgery Department have been referred to Dr. for psychiatric examination and therapy. I use the word “referred,” but in fact it seems that the residents were pressured to meet with Dr., and most of them did meet with him.

Although I’m not sure of the exact numbers, at any one time there are generally 5 or 6 residents in Tulane’s Neurosurgery Department, and the term of each resident is generally 4 or 5 years. Thus, since 2003, there were a total of about 10 neurosurgery residents (a rough estimate).

Since 2003, in this group of about 10 residents, at least 6 were deemed to be in need of psychiatric examination and therapy. This is an extraordinarily high percentage.

Refresher update for those following Ashton’s trip through the court system.


One thought on “Updated. Slabbed Welcomes the Neurosurgery Department of Tulane Medical School”

  1. Wow! I work in a training program at an academic hospital in Mississippi. I have never heard of such a thing. In the 13 years I’ve worked with the residents and staff here I can only think of one resident who we asked that they be seen by a psychiatrist. She got to pick her own doctor and went on to graduate no problem. Also, our department is a general surgery program and we take in I would guess at least double or triple the number of residents as our affiliated neurosurgery program. Maybe things are different at Tulane, but the red flags are going off in my head and I bet it would be the same for anyone else I work with. I mean, I’ve never heard of anything even close to this. I am shocked.

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