A Quick Thought on Janet Napolitano Taking over at Homeland Security

Obviously the choice to head the Department of Homeland Security is of great interest to the Slabbed so it was natural for me to email one of our sources in Congress to get a feel for Governor Napolitano. I quote:

I don’t know about her specifically, but I expect the Obama Administration generally to be reformers so I think they will be receptive.

(There will be a push)……for adding wind to flood asap and then go to work on a larger all-perils natcat proposal. Eventually………fold the flood program into an all perils insurance program.

Also, there may be strong support for pulling FEMA back out of DHS.

For FEMA and NFIP, I expect the new administration will beef up the federal oversight and reduce the reliance on contractors.

In case our commenters are wondering about my congressional source H/T Brian Martin.  😉


3 thoughts on “A Quick Thought on Janet Napolitano Taking over at Homeland Security”

  1. My only comment is Janet has been and will always be one who changes her mind just like her underwear. She wanted illegals to receive temporary driver’s License and she’ll do robotics for Obama anytime and anyplace. As Always, Annie

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