A landslide win for Taylor, too!

Other than the size of the win, there was no question about Congressman Gene Taylor returning to Congress; however, for those of you outside the State, here’s confirmation of his landslide victory.

The Sun Herald reported our champion of wind and water with 77% of the vote and 99% of the precincts reporting. His quotes in the story indicate why he has such strong support.

Taylor said he has spent as much time as possible at fairs and festivals throughout District 4 talking to people and finding out what issues are important to them.

“The whole idea is to stay in touch with people and continue to serve South Mississippi,” he said.

As regular readers of SLABBED have noticed, Taylor serves his District well; and his legislative priorities and positions are those of the people he represents.

Taylor said he is ready to get to work to improve the national economy, which he believes is Congress’ top priority.

Taylor believes there were banking regulations removed in the last decade that need to be enforced again in order to bring the economy out of its slump.

“I wish we had done that first before we just threw money at the problem. People don’t need to worry about banks risking money in the stock market,” he said. “Most people are honest, but there are some who abuse the public trust.”

Congratulations, Congressman Taylor.