Cramer Said to Sell….

That translates into back up the truck ladies and gents. Well, don’t exactly back up the truck but Jimbo is an excellent contra indicator.

Barry Ritholtz did the post today first. The comments are classic.

As I have said in the past, I don’t like to harp on any one person. I also don’t want to be a Cramer stalker. But DAMN if that headline doesn’t smell like a giant buy signal.

The market down 30%, the VIX spiking to 56, and Cramer giving a panicky SELL on TV this morning. We have a 9,500 downside target, and the likelihood of an emergency action makes us want to get long — at least for a trade . . .

We are putting a toe in the water here.

“Who needs vaseline when you got Cramer”
