Sunday Bonus Post: Excellent Scruggs Coverage

We have been debating internally whether to cover certain aspects of the ongoing Dickie Scruggs saga as it relates to the insurance litigation here on the coast. To this point we haven’t necessarily had the opportunity, as Mr. Scruggs withdrawal from the old Scruggs Katrina Group occurred before our effort here commenced.

Keeping up with those events in detail is imperative however, due to the huge ramifications for current litigants, especially those using the re-formed law venture once fronted by Mr. Scruggs, the Katrina Litigation Group.

Events in the ongoing federal investigation are now moving forward quickly with the confirmation that Mr. Joey Langston has plead guilty and agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors. Those keeping a closer watch already knew this bit of information well in advance due to the hard work and dedication of Lotus and her excellent group of knowledgeable Mississippi based commenters at the Folo blog.

For those interested in Scruggs mania and ongoing development in what could ultimately develop into one of the biggest cases of judicial and political corruption seen in this Nation’s history (I sincerely do not believe I am overstating that). I highly recommend pulling up a chair at Lotus’ cyber table and pouring yourself a cup of joe. Warning: The posts and commentary there is highly addictive.
