Biloxi Mayor’s Race enters the home stretch, Team Swetman again goes negative

Like everyone else I’ve been watching the race unfold over the past couple of weeks.  Slabbed’s very best sources on all things Biloxi are unanimous in their prognostications that Fo Fo Gilich will be Biloxi’s next Mayor, an assertion that I think is born out by the negative direct mailings that were sent out late last week by Team Swetman, who now also has Governor Phil Bryant’s official backing. Campaigns go negative when they are behind as a general rule.

The two campaigns could not be more different. Gilich’s campaign is at the grassroots level while Swetman is depending on high profile endorsements from the DMR booze cruise political class from on high. The contrast is stark.

My best advice to everyone in Biloxi is to go vote for the candidate of your choice.

Time for Fo Fo and Windy to get it on and Slabbed’s got pictures!

The contrast in the candidates couldn’t be more clear folks.

Meantime, here is a reader submitted photo purportedly of Windy Swetman’s dog lounging on the driveway of the Woolmarket property. Based on a Google maps street daytime view the house indeed resembles the Swetman property. Other than that observation I’d caution about deriving any other inferences regarding any information it conveys about the current Swetman family domicile. Continue reading “Time for Fo Fo and Windy to get it on and Slabbed’s got pictures!”

Let’s talk Hurricane Warnings and the Biloxi Mayor’s race…

It has come to my attention that Slabbed’s prognostications about upcoming indictments in Harrison County made Slabbed New Media a celebrity of sorts among this site’s target audience of those that I’ll term power news consumers. The rumor mill, especially about upcoming indictments, is notoriously unreliable for more reasons than I care to list but occasionally it is spot on. Knowing how to discern the difference is the key before there can be any sort of responsible reporting on the data points.

First things first folks, the William Martin indictment will not be the last of a public official in Harrison County according lore. I’ll also add the rumors that I mentioned a few times here on Slabbed within the last 120 days or so included three Harrison County Supervisors yet only two have been indicted to this point on what turned out to be separate issues in the Anthony bribery scandal and the MDOC Scandal. Now I want to be clear I am not saying there will be another Supervisor indicted. I am saying the early rumor, which was spot on for two Sups named actually mentioned the names of three and that is an important distinction. I will not be naming that third name at this time since it is only a fragment of a partially confirmed indictment rumor.

That said a name that appeared on these pages over the last 90 days is former Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway, who is now enjoying retired life. He wrote a most interesting letter to the editor that I would encourage everyone to read and carefully ponder for the information it conveys:

A.J. HOLLOWAY: Gilich is the best choice for Biloxi

I’m no expert on Biloxi City politics but Slabbed has commenters that have what I’d call superior knowledge of the Biloxi political scene so this curve ball of Mayor Holloway bucking the local GOP machine does not surprise me in one respect. We’re seeing the Mayor’s race becoming a two horse contest between Gillich and Harrison County Supervisor tuned brand new Biloxi City resident Windy Swetman (Swetman moved his family in with his mother in order to qualify). Swetman is the machine candidate that Mr. Holloway is bucking which is extraordinary given how long the two men have associated with Holloway as Mayor and Swetman as County Supervisor for the East Harrison-Biloxi area. There’s gotta be one heck of a back story on this folks and I’m hoping we can find a way to explore that in comments.

Updated: And now there are nine ten in the race. A Biloxi Special Election Update

Welp folks, file this one under a politician will be a politician:

Biloxi acting mayor Kenny Glavan does about-face, will run for job ~ Mary Perez

The story is rich because we find out that:

  1. Glavan was appointed acting Mayor because he promised not to run which in turn clues us all in to what his campaign promises will be worth.
  2. Windy Swetman pulls a page out of that ol’ time Mississippi campaign playbook and bringing doughnuts to a campaign stop at the City’s Public Works Department.  For the summertime primary election season, fried chicken and watermelon is the typical fare out in the country so one could argue Sweatman was trying to barter votes on the cheap with just doughnuts. He better tighten up

Did I mention I saw Swetman buddied up Scott Walker at Insurance Commish Mike Chaney’s Insurance forum back in the day?  Neither stayed for the entire program.

Next up the City of Biloxi’s website has a treasure trove of voter information about the upcoming special election so it’s gets a Slabbed transparency attaboy:

Key dates in the special election

For voters

  • Saturday, March 28, 8 a.m. to noon – Deadline to register to vote in the Special Election, if you are not already registered or if you have moved.
  • Saturday, April 18, 8 a.m. to noon – Municipal Clerk’s Office at Biloxi City Hall will be open for in-person absentee voting for Special Election.
  • Saturday, April 25, 8 a.m. to noon – Deadline to vote in person at Biloxi City Hall by absentee ballot for Special Election. (Absentee ballots by mail must be received by Municipal Clerk by 5 p.m. on April 27.)
  • Tuesday, April 28 – Special Election. Polls open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 9, 8 a.m. to noon – Municipal Clerk’s Office at Biloxi City Hall will be open for in-person absentee voting for Special Election Run-off, if necessary.
  • Tuesday, May 12 – Run-off election, if necessary. Polls open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

For candidates Continue reading “Updated: And now there are nine ten in the race. A Biloxi Special Election Update”