Family matters part 1: “AROD must be jacking his meat”

Since we’re USA only right now I think it’s a good time to clear the air some. First off is the post title in quotes, which means it is a reader comment to the link I am about to drop but first.

There is no one commenter that has caused me more problems than our own Ashton O’Dwyer. Lifers understand why Slabbed welcomes Ashton here despite all the headaches. I’ll admit that I harbor a personal affinity for the man because, as the late Frank Davis would say he’s naturally N’Awlins. That does not mean I approve of his racial views, however, but some people get hung up on that part. That I can not help. Now to the jacking part.

Early on in the oil spill litigation Slabbed covered some of the problems I saw coming – heck one of our 2010 oil spill stories crossed over in a big way in fact. Due to the size and complexity of the topic and my epic legal battle with Aaron Broussard’s Goatherd there was no way I could take it on circa 2012 but luckily for everyone Jason Berry at American Zombie has tackled it and his body of work on the subject is very impressive. I mention this because Jason’s work has crossed over and this is the latest from the mainstream media:

Oddly enough, judicial antics still shock ~ Sir James Gill

O’Dwyer Complaints of judicial misconduct tossed by Judge Edith Jones

Before reporting Judge Jones’ decisions, I want to make it clear that I did not consider Ashton’s complaints of judicial misconduct and his “pot of gold information” one in the same.  That said, and with further discussion saved for a day when I have more time, I move on to the two Orders issued by Judge Jones.

O’Dwyer filed Judicial Misconduct Complaint Nos. 05-09-90128 and 10-09-90129 against  United States District Judges Stanwood R. Duval, Jr. and Ivan L.R. Lemelle.  Complaint Nos. 05-09-90130 through 05-09-90141 were directed toward United States Circuit Judges Carolyn Dineen King, W. Eugene Davis, Jacques L. Wiener, Jr., Emilio M. Garza, James L. Dennis, Edward C. Prado, Jennifer W. Elrod, Leslie H. Southwick, Thomas M. Reavley, Will Garwood, and Rhesa H. Barksdale and United States District Judge Ron Clark.

Attorney Ashton R. O’Dwyer, Jr. has filed a judicial misconduct complaint, and several supplemental complaints, against United States District Judge Stanwood R. Duval, Jr. who has presided over the Katrina Canal Breaches Consolidated Litigation [hereafter “Katrina Canal Litigation”], and against United States District Judge Ivan R. Lemelle who presided over O’Dwyer’s suspension and disbarment proceedings and other litigation.’

O’Dwyer’s allegations of misconduct are largely conclusory in nature, and are based on his dissatisfaction with rulings in, and the results of, the underlying proceedings. Continue reading “O’Dwyer Complaints of judicial misconduct tossed by Judge Edith Jones”