We have a Butch Ward sighting and it isn’t good for Gulfport or the coast.

I have a few observations to make concerning Anita Lee’s front page story for the Sun Herald today. One observation is that Councilwoman Cara L. Pucheu of Ward 7 whose district is proposed to expand into a commercial area with few voters can only mean a few things none of which are complimentary to Pucheu, who is evidently either a stooge to Mayor George Schloegel or sold out to the Ward family a la former Gretna City Councilman Jonathan Bolar, now a resident of the Grey Bar Hotel at Club Fed.

The folks in Gulfport City government must certainly be ignorant of the massive federal corruption probe which is happening one state over in Louisiana with Team Ward at its epicenter or they would never be toting water for this notorious family. I’ll add that Holmes-Hines does no one, especially her constituents, any favors by serially playing the race card as this is not a matter of black and white. The color here is $olid green folks.

We’ll have more on this as Slabbed answers the question recently posed to me by a Jefferson Parish politician “What’s it to you”? If only the corruption in Jefferson Parish would stay in Jefferson Parish that’s what.


Send lawyers guns and money. Dad get me out of this!: Jonathan Bolar guilty on all 13 counts. Paul Purpura adds additional color on Butch Ward’s shithouse land deal with Bolar.

I could be wrong folks but I think this is the cyber equivalent of the ol’ ball squeeze on Butch Ward. Paul Purpura at the Times Picayune updates the Bolar trial as the corrupt former Gretna City Councilman turned convict has gone down on all 13 counts, guilty as charged. Paul also adds a good bit more color to the land deals between Pappa Butch and Bolar which ultimately resulted in an elderly couple being scammed out of almost $4,000 by Bolar. Here is a snippet:

Two other witnesses accused Bolar of twice trying to sell a parcel in Gretna in August 2008, which he had sold to former Jefferson Parish Councilman Thomas “Butch” Ward a year before. Those witnesses, a church elder and an elderly woman, said Bolar never told them he did not own the parcel, at 400 Franklin St., when they gave him down payments toward the purchase – money they still have not recouped.

Prosecutors said Bolar cashed those checks the day after getting them, when the purchase agreements called for them to be held in escrow.

Ward, who was on the Parish Council for 25 years, testified Bolar contacted him about the first prospective sale but heard nothing else about it until his real estate attorney told him that Bolar had drawn up a purchase agreement listing himself as the seller. Ward testified that at that point, he heeded his attorney’s advice to draw up papers allowing Bolar to sell the property to the church. Ward said he wasn’t aware that Bolar tried to sell the property to the elderly woman and her husband. Continue reading “Send lawyers guns and money. Dad get me out of this!: Jonathan Bolar guilty on all 13 counts. Paul Purpura adds additional color on Butch Ward’s shithouse land deal with Bolar.”