Its simply a matter of time: Dream a little dream of Slabbed…….

I seem to recall someone was yammering about the need for a Trannygate update.  Actually several of y’all have asked. :mrgreen:

The case is headed to a July trial and there has been no status change since my last post on this subject. Some update huh? Well actually……..

I know we have several newbies here at Slabbed and if you are new this particular topic has been the hottest iron of all the irons Slabbed has in the fire bar none. The stakes are high and despite the fact we have greatly narrowed the list of suspects we still do not have definitive identification of the NOLA Race Car driving lawyer that engaged TS Dream’s services that fateful night in California less than one year ago.  Here is a peek at what covering this story has been like on my end:

OK, I know some of y’all are saying something like this Handshoe cat is teasing again but alas I never tease about a subject as serious as the most well hung tranny in North America drilling for oil in the NOLA legal scene so along those lines I am pleased to report that TS Dream is a card carrying member of the greater Slabbed Nation. Continue reading “Its simply a matter of time: Dream a little dream of Slabbed…….”


The above was the subject header of an email I received this morning which contained the following quotes:

Mathews said, “One of the fundamental changes in the newsroom is our reporters and photographers no longer live in a print world. They are competing in the digital space in ways we’ve never done before.”

Added Amoss, “Our goal as journalists is to focus on our audience, to engage with them, to respond to them. That requires a culture change on the part of everyone in the newsroom.”

The inside joke is the appearance that Slabbed scooped the Poynter Institute one day before the Key (Newspaper) Executives Conference which concludes today in New Orleans with my post on Sunday on the same general topic, the response to which has absolutely floored me. I was not invited, probably because I’m not a newspaper executive but I do have a piece of wisdom to share with Jim Amoss:

To get the audience to respond the blogger must exhibit personality. It is the secret to success online. It can be done without compromising the mission. You can thank me later Jim.

Those wanting to know the dynamics between the timing of my post Sunday and this conference should click here to order the book.

I do have a bit of advance knowledge on the Tranny case but that was only because I checked my crystal ball. 😉 Stay tuned.