Excellence in Public Service? : How About Jefferson’s Milt Dureau and Emily Maw of the Innocence Project. A Lockemuptight guest post.

Despite frequent reports about what is wrong in Jefferson Parish from indisputable political corruption to total absence of prosecution of same, there occasionally arises the isolated acts of a few which bring a glimmer of hope for the Parish. Hope that those in public service,both elected politicians and parish employees, will take note that just doing your job everyday professionally focused and unselfishly serving others can make a difference.

In the case of one erroneously incarcerated citizen named Henry James, the dedicated public service of Jefferson’s chief criminologist, Milton Dureau, made a big difference. How big a difference you ask, how about giving Henry back his life and freedom, that is what’s left of it.

Wrongly convicted of a rape he didn’t commit and sentenced to life in prison,Henry was destined after even serving 30 years to die at Angola. But fortunately to right that wrong along comes the nationally acclaimed Innocence Project whose staff has a sixth sense of identifying potential innocent convicts.Mention the O.J. Simpson trial and one conjurers up ugly memories of judicial misconduct and jury nullification.However, out of that evil darkness came the genesis of judicial light on truth and justice, namely the Innocence Project. A group of idealistic lawyers hell bent on using the same DNA science birthed and revealed during the O.J. trial to free the wrongly convicted. Continue reading “Excellence in Public Service? : How About Jefferson’s Milt Dureau and Emily Maw of the Innocence Project. A Lockemuptight guest post.”

Sunday news miscellany: Various and sundry politicians, election results and “Hot lead for lunch”.

Like Nowdy, I’ve been relatively scarce from the cyber scene though for different reasons, mine being completely self centered.  I have unanswered emails going back to the middle of last month but I am tackling everything albeit on a slower pace.  The only thing I’ll add is that IMHO a good basher need down time.  😉

Speaking of down time and the fact we’ve talked gun safety a good bit of late on Slabbed I am proud to report I finally found my aim with my 40 caliber pistol yesterday at the local gun club.  I still need more work with my 44 magnum revolver though.  I’ve long enjoyed shooting both skeet and ducks and look forward to doing more of that this fall/winter.

The gang at the range did not hear of our recent gun safety topic at Slabbed in the accidental discharge of the deringer in Cheryl Mintz’s purse at Galatoire’s one week ago last Friday so it made for nice banter.  Earlier this week I got an eye-witness report as it seems everyone knows someone who was there when the gun discharged.  Still, it is never too late for James Gill to weight in on the subject and weight in he did for today’s Times Picayune in a highly entertaining piece that is well worth the read. Continue reading “Sunday news miscellany: Various and sundry politicians, election results and “Hot lead for lunch”.”