When it comes to the Jackson County Sups Molly Ivins immediately comes to mind

Welp, the online community here at Slabbed managed to cause a major shitstorm as we rang-out the old year in style:

SRHS trustee Morris Strickland lives in Biloxi, despite Jackson County residency rule ~ Anita Lee

When the reporter went to Strickland’s office, he said: “Get out of my office. Get out of my office. This is private property. Get out, get out, get out.… Let me call the cops.”

Who is this man, Morris Strickland that personally oversaw a major financial catastrophe that now would have Hospital retirees bankrupted? Before I answer that we must visit with this:

Jackson County supervisors looking into SRHS trustee’s residency, replacement possible ~ April Havens

Anita was kind enough to credit Slabbed, something the Times Picayune in New Orleans regularly does when warranted because after all, Slabbed is considered an authoritative news source around these parts but this really is too rich. April’s story is political spin as the Jackson County Board of Supervisors try to make it appear they are actually in front of their illegal trustee problem. In the process they also admit they knew about the problem for months and did nothing about it. I’m personally reminded of the late great Molly Ivins because I think it applies over Jackson County way in spades:

As they say around the Texas Legislature, if you can’t drink their whiskey, screw their women, take their money, and vote against ’em anyway, you don’t belong in office.

So who is Morris Strickland? I think RFP nailed it in comments myself: Continue reading “When it comes to the Jackson County Sups Molly Ivins immediately comes to mind”

Analysis: Rumors of sweetheart insider contracts swirling around Singing River Hospital (Updated)

Since this post was published Slabbed was contacted by Singing River Hospital Spokesman Richard Lucas. This snippet tells the tale:

Our laundry contract, as it has been for many years, is with Crown Health Care Laundry Services out of Pensacola, Florida. We do not have nor have we ever had a contract with Mississippi Laundry Services.

I appreciate the fact that Mr. Lucas contacted Slabbed with that clarification. The other entities are now screaming “follow-up” and I will be doing just that to see if we can gain additional clarity. That will be in part two. ~ Doug

By now anyone with any sort of remote connection to the Jackson County political establishment has heard the rumors of sweetheart deals between the Singing River Health System and certain insiders.  Those rumors have been alluded to several different places and that makes this post a twofer as Slabbed will explore these rumors, why people are talking (beyond the obvious in the implosion of the employee pension fund due to management willfully not funding it) and plus that twofer in how this internet thingy works.

I begin with the DMR = SRHS meme, which first surfaced here in the local feedback loop with the feedback loop confirmed here.  The gang at Singing River Hospital are no doubt feeling a bit embattled and rightfully so.  Pundits, bloggers and muckrakers are a competitive group and there was no way I was gonna let Wayne Weidie have all the fun no sir. Two days ago I sent the following email (partially redacted for dramatic effect) to Hospital Spokesman Richard Lucas:

Mr. Lucas:

I am the publisher of the Slabbed New media website found at www.slabbed.org. I have been following and have covered certain aspects of the financial problems being experienced by the Singing River Hospital System. Along those lines several of my readers have sent me tips regarding alleged insider sweetheart contracts between the Hospital, Hospital <redacted> , and Mr. <redacted> son. Additionally one of the companies is allegedly also owned by Scott Walker, who is now in Federal Prison.

While these contracts may be shielded by the exemption enjoyed by the Hospital in the Mississippi Public Records statute I am contacting you to confirm or deny the existence of these related party transactions. If the answer is none of your business under the Mississippi public records law, that is fine too. I simply want to give you guys a chance to respond in advance of my upcoming publication on this topic and the rumors swirling around SRHS.


Thank you for any information you can provide me regarding these companies and their dealings with SRHS.

As I write this my email to Mr. Lucas has not garnered a reply but the next morning this appeared in the Mississippi Press: Continue reading “Analysis: Rumors of sweetheart insider contracts swirling around Singing River Hospital (Updated)”