Comment bumps: Nunn Yabidnez

Those of you not reading Nunn’s comments are missing out. When the man speaks of the opposition organizing, he is talking about a model that has proven results.

Back in 2015 with the Singing River pension meltdown dominating the news there was also state and county elections. I was invited by the SRHS retirees group along with other select members of the media to a meeting that organized the opposition in the 2015 Jackson County election, both to observe and as a member of the media who was seen as sympathetic to their cause (which we were). Out of that meeting came a strategy for targeting certain incumbent supervisors for defeat as well as supporting other candidates that promised to help advance the retirees cause.

At the time of that meeting I already had this post conceptualized. Without going into details we let the retirees know we had some material coming that would be explosive, it would be up to them to make sure word got out when the time came. I would invite you good folks from the Bay to read the comments to the post I linked because Nunn is talking about Citizen activism like this: Continue reading “Comment bumps: Nunn Yabidnez”