Out of control partying trumps the cause, like there ever was one: A Steven Palazzo jackassery update.

If I had a nickel for everyone that has told me they made a mistake voting to throw out Gene Taylor out of congress last year, someone else would be moderating Slabbed and I’d be retired. From the wild Palazzo party files via Roll Call:

Palazzo had invited friends and family to Annapolis, Md., for a tailgate party leading up to the Southern Mississippi-Navy football game during the Columbus Day weekend.

But the real blowout happened at a waterfront home rented for the Congressman by his scheduler, Whitney Donald, an event that morphed into a two-night party attended by a host of unruly House aides. The scene became festive enough that local police were called on the second night.

Sources close to the Congressman insist Palazzo and his family never stayed at the rental property in question, nor asked staffers to reserve the house.

“The Congressman at no time asked someone on staff to book a house for him,” Palazzo’s chief of staff, Jamie Miller, tells HOH.

But multiple members of his office staff did stay at the house that weekend.

And the ensuing shenanigans guaranteed that the security deposit, which was put on a credit card with a Cannon House Office Building billing address, was forfeited. Continue reading “Out of control partying trumps the cause, like there ever was one: A Steven Palazzo jackassery update.”