A well placed source has reported to Slabbed the New Orleans Hornets have a new owner – A Slabbed Scoop of the day

I’ve placed a picture of the new owner below the fold. ~ sop Continue reading “A well placed source has reported to Slabbed the New Orleans Hornets have a new owner – A Slabbed Scoop of the day”

Is David Stern and the rest of the NBA owners trying to royally screw the Hornets? Discuss.

Folks I’m not much of a pro basketball fan but even I am paying attention to the myriad of ways the NBA is forcing Chris Paul on the Hornets for one strike shorten season after which he will leave and the Hornets get nothing in return. Pro basketball in general is in decline and it appears we are seeing the reasons for that first hand as Stern and the meddlesome NBA owners have teepeed 2 very good trade offers for Paul simply to prevent him from going to a large market team.

Chris save your rep, play this season like you have all the others and leave with your head up while Stern and the other NBA owners finish making a complete shambles of the Hornets. You guys at NBA HQ truly suck!

File this one under that’s life on the NBA plantation.
