Worshiping Republican Jesus at OLG in the Bay…….

They call election time the silly season for a reason. My own opinion is Mike is one of the Pharisee Hypocrites that Classic Jesus warns everyone about in the good book. In these polarizing times I’m sure there are those that would beg to differ.

My Dad was a very simple man in respects who did not have a high school diploma but he came up in a much different time joining the Marines at age 16 during the Second World War. On his deathbed he explained why he had two ministers coming in to check on him one being a Marine Corps Chaplin that would later officiate his funeral. “Never trust a preacher that sells more than salvation” he explained to me why he wanted the Marine Corps Chaplin instead of his family’s Baptist minister. That piece of wisdom has stuck with me ever since.

The reasons for the decline in U.S. Catholicism and Christianity can be traced.