The topic of where the Sneed family gets their political stroke from has come up from time to time in comments here on Slabbed

To understand the taxpayer-funded financial cesspools and Louisiana Government, you have to think long-term and go back several generations to understand that in respects the State of Louisiana is composed to this day of a few major plantations that self perpetuate genetically thanks to evergreen arrangements involving mineral leases and taxpayer largesse. I mention this because of the work Lee Zurik is doing examining oil deals dating to the 1930’s and how they impact the state to this day.  It is excellent stuff.

The Sneeds are not mentioned by name in part 3 of Zurik’s report but they’re progeny of former Gov. O.K. Allen, the guy who followed the legendary Huey Long. The whole series is well worth the read and view.

You guys that know the lay of the land feel free to share your wisdom in comments.
