Does Louisiana Deserve Federal Flood Aid when its Congressmen Voted to Deny it to Others

The answer to that question is pretty clear to me, the folks that elected Congressmen Steve Scalise, Bill Cassidy and John Flemming that flooded out in Louisiana should practice what they preach and not get a dime of federal help. By extension, since Mississippi’s fluffer Congressman Steven Palazzo also voted to deny Federal Aid to Superstorm Sandy victims the same would apply here in Mississippi the next time a hurricane hits the coast right?

These Louisiana politicians are demanding flood aid, but voted against Sandy relief ~ Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

With due respect to Foster Campbell it’s a bit late for an apology:

Members of Louisiana congressional delegation owe Sandy victims an apology ~ Foster Campbell

Time for folks in the bayou country to start Hitchin’ their britches….

I don’t think we’ve heard the last of this in the national media.