And he smelled lawnmower fumes when the oil was washing ashore back in 2010….

Folks, what can I say except that I was inspired by the Dean of all Mississippi Journalists today, Bill Minor and his column Bryant misstates state of the state’s economy. Here is a snippet:

Bryant enthusiastically told lawmakers that 2,700 new jobs had been “announced” in 2012, conveying the impression Mississippi’s employment rolls had increased that much. Trouble is, just the opposite had happened. According to state Department of Employment Security figures, Mississippi lost 1800 payroll jobs in 2012 since the previous year.

Even worse, said a year-end report by the College Board’s Economic Research Center, is that payroll employment in Mississippi is at its lowest level since 1996 and while most of the other states are recovering from the Great Recession that began in September 2008, Mississippi is still lagging behind.

One industry Mississippi (and our neighbors in Louisiana) do not lag is the New Media with websites like Yall Politics, Slabbed, Magnolia Report, American Zombie, the Lens, Library Chronicles, Moosedenied etc etc etc. Heck I think we may well be leading the nation in the voodoo we do.

So I said to myself, what can Slabbed do to help poor Gov Phil from losing more jobs? Then it hit me given the large number of people from across the country and world that read this little project courtesy of NOLA Born and Steed chatting away about King Cakes. Beyond hosting the Super Bowl it is also Mardi Gras time down here in Soggy Bottom.

There are some that are partial to Haydel’s King Cakes and Margaret Orr swears by the Voodoo Kingcake from Robert Fresh Market but for my money no one makes the “Catholic Cake” any better Continue reading “And he smelled lawnmower fumes when the oil was washing ashore back in 2010….”