Slabbed calls bullshit on Kim Davis and certain Christian denominations that want to impose their own version of Sharia Law on everyone

Kim Davis Mugger | Guilty of Civil Contempt of Court
Kim Davis Mugger | Guilty of Civil Contempt of Court

From a big picture standpoint the rhetoric you hear from Davis’ supporters could be easily mistaken for something you’d hear out of the Taliban because what is being couched as a defense of religious liberty is really an attack on the fundamental liberties that are guaranteed to every citizen under the First Amendment to the Constitution, an amendment we at Slabbed New Media know a thing or two about.

First I do not know who appointed the Apostolic Church as the spokespersons for Christianity because they do not speak for the Catholics and many other denominations that do not seek to impose by force of the government their personal religious viewpoints on nonbelievers and that is exactly what Kim Davis was doing by denying marriage licenses to the her constituents in Rowan County Kentucky because she did not personally agree with the Supreme Court ruling on Gay Marriage.

Even worse she openly disregards the very Oath of Office she swore before God but to the extent this lady and her numerous previous divorces that included infidelity well qualified her more to be a guest on the Jerry Springer show more so than local Clerk of Court I guess this should not surprise anyone.

Davis strikes me as a good ol’ girl with a weak mind that is taking some very bad advice from a special interest group closely affiliated with Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University that is now trying to spin Davis into some sort of martyr for refusing to discharge the sworn duties of her office denying access to everyone wanting a marriage license in Rowan County. Thank God we have more responsible public officials here in Mississippi.

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