Dear Gang I’d be happy to give you more specifics. Anne Marie XOXO

L’exercice de pressions à la hausse des testicules.

0413-10 708 Marlene all emails; I received a “NO RECORDS FOUND” certification from Hearing Officer Crystal Heine. I handled this case when I was Hearing Officer and know there are emails by and between the people I listed on my PRR. Continue reading “Dear Gang I’d be happy to give you more specifics. Anne Marie XOXO”

Dear Gang, there appears to be a problem. Love Anne Marie. XOXO

Folks I could be wrong but methinks this is known in polite society as exercer une pression sur les testicules.

We don’t bite so if someone should be moved to make an official appearance we’re all ears. The following just in from team Vandenweghe.

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