To hell with the politics….

It’s getting to where someone can’t comment on government waste without a bunch of snowflakes melting down:

Joe Buck, Troy Aikman Were the Victims of an Inside Job ~ Jimmy Traina

This was done before the game, during a rehearsal. That means someone who works at FOX, either in a truck or a broadcast studio, pulled the clip on purpose and then leaked it on purpose to make Buck and Aikman look bad. And the fact that one of their co-workers would leak this clip to make the broadcast duo look bad really sucks.

You can be sure Fox is doing some sort of internal investigation to find the culprit.

Someone on the Fox Sports football crew isn’t a team player or as an old high school coach used to tell the team, “someone is pissing in the drinking water”.

As for Aikman’s opinion that spending big $$$$s doing jet flyovers of nearly empty stadiums is a bad idea, the facts support his read. I have this from the 2019 Heritage Foundation Military Assessment:

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