“Hell is empty, and all the devils are here!”

What a great Shakespeare Quote that a cuz-in-law timely mentioned because it makes a great post title and dovetails nicely with this recent post which spoke about evangelical preachers more interested in building net worth than leading people to salvation.

Through time here in South Mississippi I’ve had a chance to meet many people including a few Baptist ministers that are truly gifted individuals. One I know from social media is Dr. Russell Moore from Biloxi, a gentleman that is very well known within the Southern Baptist Convention. What’s important about Dr. Moore in my estimation is that he belongs to a subset that truly strives to live their faith as much as preach it. It’s a trait that I personally hold a great amount of respect for when I see it. Dr. Moore posted this to twitter a few days ago:

The reports of the conditions for migrant children at the border should shock all of our consciences. Those created in the image of God should be treated with dignity and compassion, especially those seeking refuge from violence back home. We can do better than this.

One of the replies he received was breath taking and absolutely revealing:

Worth noting here is that Falwell is a legacy Tee Vee preacher that also happens to have mucho man love for Donald Trump. For Falwell politic$ ha$ become hi$ religion that much is clear. Further down the scale but almost as harmful is denial and that too was exhibited: Continue reading ““Hell is empty, and all the devils are here!””

Tit for Tat and boobs in the news!

Literally, what a boob!

An Orange County woman’s new breasts cost her six months in jail. Yvonne Jean Pampellonne was sentenced Monday in Westminster for using a fraudulent line of credit to obtain $12,000 in cosmetic surgery, including breast implants and liposuction. The 30-year-old woman had pleaded guilty to burglary, grand theft and identity theft. She was sentenced to 180 days in jail and was placed on three years’ probation.

It’s not often we see such a clear cut case of tit for tat.

Next, a pair of boobs – the Oxford Eagle and Tom Dawson, the now tea partying, but otherwise somewhat retired USA who wrote his version of the truth about Dick Scruggs as a co-author to Y’all’s Alan Lang (who isn’t a boob, IMO).  The Eagle who came up with the most intrusive registration form ever is obviously a double-breasted boob.  The Oxford tea party is headed by former MSSC Judge Kay Cobb – a “W” girl back in the day when tea parties required proper manners, white gloves and a hat.

Dawson as a tea party planner makes me wonder if the Oxford group has more than one purpose. It may be his first tea party but wouldn’t be the first rodeo he put together. Wonder if Judge Lackey is joing in or sitting this party out?

Last, a boob on ICE, according to the story another reader sent: Continue reading “Tit for Tat and boobs in the news!”

A Bit More on the FEMA Ice Controversy

Time is short for me this week so I’m iffy on posting. To spread things out a bit I held onto this story from the Mississippi Press where MEMA director Mike Womack goes on the record about FEMA’s exit from the Ice business. He makes an excellent point why natural disaster response should be handled at the federal level:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency announced to local leaders last week that it will no longer purchase and store ice in preparation of disaster support, including hurricanes. FEMA officials said ice will only be provided for life-saving and life-sustaining support.

James McIntyre, a FEMA spokesman, said Thursday the no-ice policy stands despite an uproar from local and national leaders.

“This is a better business practice,” McIntyre said. “States and local governments are in the best position to provide needed resources in a timely manner following a disaster. States can seek reimbursement for the provision of ice in response to the emergency measures following a major disaster.”

Womack said he disagrees with FEMA’s stance.

“We’ll be bidding for ice against larger states,” Womack said. “That leaves a small state like Mississippi at a disadvantage. We won’t be able to provide as much ice as FEMA can.” Continue reading “A Bit More on the FEMA Ice Controversy”

FEMA: Buttheads, Bureaucrats or Just Plain Ol’ Beavis?

The Sun Herald editorial board jumped into the freezer today taking exception to FEMAs decision to get out of the ice business in disaster areas.  FEMA watchers may remember the last great ice capade where Uncle Sam purchased tons of ice after Katrina, and had tons of ice left over. Rather than donating the extra ice to Ice Sculpture Arts Academy, FEMA instead stored it for two years so it could spoil. Luckily for us here on slabbed we did not get stuck with the entire utility bill for the cold storage. In any event rather than take further criticism over ice FEMA simply has left the ice delivery business. Here is today’s Sun Herald Op-ed.

South Mississippians are coming to a slow boil over FEMA’s attitude toward ice.

Things started warming up in early April when FEMA Director R. David Paulison said: “I don’t know how FEMA got into the ice business, but it’s not a life-saving commodity. People say they need it because they want it. They don’t need it. It’s not one of FEMA’s key jobs.” Continue reading “FEMA: Buttheads, Bureaucrats or Just Plain Ol’ Beavis?”