How about a Gulfport Ward line update as Team Ward appears to lose traction.

Anita Lee has the story concerning the promised second Gulfport redistricting hearing that now includes 2 new ward maps, one of which is specifically drawn with the public’s previous input  in mind. Long story short Butch Ward and his boy are the fighting eminent domain on their property fronting I-10 between Canal Road and US 49 while they quietly tried to put the inside fix in against the historically black Turkey Creek community by moving the land from Councilwoman Hine’s Ward to Team Ward friendly Councilwoman Pucheu’s Ward. (Whew that is a lot of Wards)

Those wanting to catch up on this facet of the now multi-year Ward family saga in Gulfport can click here for those posts.

We have a Butch Ward sighting and it isn’t good for Gulfport or the coast.

I have a few observations to make concerning Anita Lee’s front page story for the Sun Herald today. One observation is that Councilwoman Cara L. Pucheu of Ward 7 whose district is proposed to expand into a commercial area with few voters can only mean a few things none of which are complimentary to Pucheu, who is evidently either a stooge to Mayor George Schloegel or sold out to the Ward family a la former Gretna City Councilman Jonathan Bolar, now a resident of the Grey Bar Hotel at Club Fed.

The folks in Gulfport City government must certainly be ignorant of the massive federal corruption probe which is happening one state over in Louisiana with Team Ward at its epicenter or they would never be toting water for this notorious family. I’ll add that Holmes-Hines does no one, especially her constituents, any favors by serially playing the race card as this is not a matter of black and white. The color here is $olid green folks.

We’ll have more on this as Slabbed answers the question recently posed to me by a Jefferson Parish politician “What’s it to you”? If only the corruption in Jefferson Parish would stay in Jefferson Parish that’s what.
