Larry Bleiberg at the USA Today cites Trout Point Lodge as a “green getaway”. The ironies of course are delicious.

It’s the springtime promotion season for the vacation industry and the Goatherders at Trout Point Lodge have been frequently mentioned in the press of late doing the same but today I about split my side laughing when I read about the Lodge being a “green getaway”, given the factual basis of Karen Parker Broussard’s plea deal with the US Attorney’s office:

Additionally, from approximately 2004 through 2010, Broussard received monies, totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars, that were characterized as, among other things, “retainers,” “consulting fees” or “finder’s fees” with various contractors and vendors, all of whom were doing business with Jefferson Parish during the period of time Broussard was the President of Jefferson Parish. Moreover, Broussard was a majority owner in a holding company which owned an investment property in Canada. Broussard received income from this Canadian property. This property was partially funded by individuals and/or entities who were contractors and/or vendors doing business with Jefferson Parish during the period of time Broussard was the Jefferson Parish President.

Gee I wonder where that was in Canada?

Irene Lane, founder of the eco-travel agency obviously did not check with Kirk Cheyfitz at Story Worldwide about their registration statement or Trip Advisor before writing her story. Just saying.
