Rut Roh! Forfeiture…….

Oh the memorie$$$$$$$$ but I’m rule 301 so I ain’t sayin’.

That said we get word today from Hammerman that Judge Fallon has placed what is left of Mark St Pierre’s nuts in the ol’ forfeiture vice to the tune of a cool $3.2MM.  This news means Stacy’s chances of going cougar while hubby is away doing 20 plus have taken a real hit. IMHO Marky Mark is finding out first hand that covering for Ray Ray the Chocolate Guy is hazardous to ones freedom and financial well-being.

I wouldn’t want to spoil any futures surprises for Team St Pierre but Uncle Sam has a staff of repo men at the ready. They are also known as US Marshals and them guys are pretty adept at their trade.  I’d be nice to them if it were me.
