Bay-Waveland School Board Secretly Discussing $37 Million Dollar Bond Issue (Updated)

The discussions about issuing bonds by the school board in executive sessions has become an open secret. This is the type of thing that has no business being discussed behind closed doors, especially when the accompanying tax increase will total between 10 and 12 mills.

I can think of a few reasons to have such financial discussions in secret and none of them are good.

Issuing bonds may be exactly what Bay Waveland Schools needs for a variety of reasons. Those reasons need to be shared with the taxpaying public.

Update: Since this post was published Slabbed has communicated with School Board Attorney Ronnie Artigues and Superintendent of Education Dr. Reed, who disputed these items were discussed in secret but instead were brought up in public at the regular meeting of July 13, 2021 (Introduction of bond counsel) and at the Special called meeting held on July 28, 2021 (list of potential capital projects which total $37 million dollars).

Slabbed reviewed the meeting agendas posted to the School District’s website and could not find a specific mention of either items on the agendas. Upon further inquiry of Dr. Reed, bond counsel was included in the heading “Superintendent’s Report” in the agenda of the July 13, 2021 meeting.

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More transparency issues with the Hancock Board of Sups

My personal opinion is the local government with the most transparency issues is the Bay Waveland School Board but the new Hancock County beat guy with the Sun Herald documents more transparency issues involving the Supervisors including an unwarranted executive session. This type problem extends across the coast: