Why would the Plaintiffs be interested in the Jacqueline Patterson Edwards RICO case????

Slabbed lifers well remember the Jacqueline Patterson Edwards RICO case against former St John the Baptist Parish Prez turned convict Bill Hubbard. For those that don’t, for right now we’ll use the google cache to highlight that old Slabbed post here is the old post on the topic because Edwards also sued Jefferson Parish, Aaron Broussard, Tim Whitmer and others including Pipeworks.  Here is one case document online that has a short history of the case. If memory serves Jason over at AZ also went fishing for answers on the case very early in the game.  So why do I mention this?

Mainly because I checked my file copy of the complaint filed by Patterson Edwards and NO WHERE in the whole damn case record do I find the name of the ones we call the Goatherders. So my question is WTF are they doing trying to discover information on it from Fox 8 in a lawsuit in Canada that supposedly has nothing to do with the now indicted Aaron Broussard.

This my friends, is a very reasonable question.  I’ll do my best to ascertain the answer for all. ~ sop

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