Sal Perricone speaks: It is getting deep folks.

New Orleans Magazine landed the interview with Perricone and it is highly informative. For instance, Perricone discloses he came clean with US Attorney Jim Letten immediately after Gordon Russell with the T-P called, which means Team Letten strategized for well over a day before he had that presser on the subject of Perricone’s internet postings. He claims he was not CampStBlue, a claim for which I harbor great dubiety.

Against that backdrop Aaron Broussard was in court today and Paul Purpura was there to cover it for It appears Broussard gave some Tom Green like advice in cautioning that men should have their women check their balls for cancer regularly and indeed this is sage advice but it has nothing to do with the crimes Broussard is alleged to have committed.

Echoing my recent reader email comment on the topic of Sal Perricone and Team Broussard’s motion to DQ Team Letten over Perricone’s internet commenting NOLA commenter 8004 exhibited some tough love towards Judge Head, Chicken Little Foret, Perricone and Mr Letten himself in Paul’s piece I linked above. I do not believe Fox 8 should be put to the question as they are teevee journalist plying their trade. But as my reader pointed out Chicken Little had additional responsibilities as an attorney and indeed he advertises himself as a legal expert, said title rightfully claimed via his JD and professional experience so it is a valid point.

In other news that pain in Aaron cheek is reputed to be skin cancer but in reality it is the continuing Slabbed investigation into his shithouse tenure as Parish Prez and I fear that pain will migrate from his cheek to his anus causing an uncontrollable spasmodic sphincter. It goes without saying Broussard lawyer Robert Jenkins is smart to seek a change of venue because his client is a first class piece of shit that is well known locally for being such but “no man is rich enough to buy back his past” so my own opinion is it won’t matter where they have his trial. In fact if I may be so bold might I suggest Hattiesburg or Gulfport as wonderful alternative sites.


Worth repeating take note: People are still upset about this Whitmer plea…..

Whitmergate is not alone in suggesting that a great deal of what we’ve seen unfold in the massive federal investigation into the systemic political corruption in Jefferson Parish is posturing in order to contain the felony contagion and to the extent I’ve heard similar sentiments from other knowledgeable commenters we must examine the cause of the heartburn as it appears that despite Whitmer lawyer Pat Fanning’s contention his client knows “where all the bones are buried” the public has seen no fruit of his plea manifested thus far in the seemingly never ending investigation.  Again duly noted is the appearance of former AUSA turned TeeVee analyst Chick Foret in the narrative. With that said here is Whitmergate’s comment from last night on the post The Wino sends the following word from the gutter:

Re-telling the a story of extorting cash to buy a Camry for a cunt:

“…Hubbard is accused of soliciting $20,000 in bribes from three parish contractors, referred to in documents as Vendor A, Vendor B and Vendor C. Sources have told the Times-Picayune those vendors are Pipeworks Plumbing & Demolition, Parson & Sanderson, and Davezac Consulting Engineers. The money was allegedly used to buy a Toyota Camry for Hubbard’s girlfriend last spring, sources told the newspaper.”

“… Foret said the woman who received the Camry is a “friend” of Hubbard, not his girlfriend. He also said that the three vendors who made the payments were “longtime friends,” and characterized Hubbard’s actions as a “mistake in judgement.”

St. John Parish President Bill Hubbard charged in bribery scheme, resigns
Published: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 9:54 AM Updated: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 3:39 PM
By Times-Picayune Staff

I brought to the forefront the above quotes and linked this article for the following reasons: Continue reading “Worth repeating take note: People are still upset about this Whitmer plea…..”