Let’s talk a bit more about the Billy’s Hill Trail Society, Trout Point Lodge, Charles Leary and Aaron Broussard.

Let’s hop into the wayback machine folks to explore one of the things that got me interested in the connection between soon to be indicted Aaron Broussard of Jefferson parish Political corruption Scandal infamy and his fiscal agents in Nova Scotia at Trout Point Lodge, namely the Billy’s Hill Trail Society. You see while Charles Leary was threatening the Times Picayune with a defamation suit as is his habit we uncovered Aaron Broussard’s name openly listed on the internet as a member of the non-profit society along with Trout Point Lodge, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret. This makes sense as Broussard owned two adjacent cabins to Trout Point that were serviced by the Lodge so drawing visitors to the area via the trails made sense.

I say this because as soon as I posted the link to Slabbed it was broken by Leary who controls the Acadian Farms website.  I think it is rich that the website for their failed goat farm has become a great source to expose a few lies that have come from Nova Scotia. You see you can run and break links but you can’t hide folks as Wayback Machine has the way Leary’s Billy’s Hill page looked like when Aaron Broussard was a bit more fashionable.

Of course this does not answer the question what is the function of the Billy’s Hill Trail Society.  Luckily for us a reader sent me a link from the Town of Yarmouth, specifically the South West Shore Development Authority, an economic development agency with its share of troubles.  Before we get to that I’d like to direct everyone to page 9 of the following PDF which contains the following blurb:

Billy’s Hill Hiking Trail (Julie) Municipal working with Trout Point Lodge and Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Lobour to develop a +/-8km hiking trail/loop into the Tobeatic Wilderness Area. Have received a letter of support from the Department, presently working on writing the “Trail Development Proposal”. Continue reading “Let’s talk a bit more about the Billy’s Hill Trail Society, Trout Point Lodge, Charles Leary and Aaron Broussard.”