Kuehns put State Farm's foot in the other shoe with Motion to Enforce Settlement

At this point in Katrina litigation, it takes a long memory or short search to come up with enough background  to give context to recent developments in a case such as Kuehn v State Farm. Henry and June Kuehn were among the hundreds of policyholders who attempted to resolve their claim right up to the … Continue reading “Kuehns put State Farm's foot in the other shoe with Motion to Enforce Settlement”

Well here is another nice mess you’ve gotten me into Part Deux: Judge Senter lowers the boom on the topic of State Farm’s cancerous Katrina claims handling. Slabbed Congratulates Henry and June Kuehn

I suspect the appraisal panel for Henry and June Kuehn must be feeling good that the product of their honest day’s work was affirmed in total, especially State Farm’s boogey man Lewis O’Leary. Judge Senter doesn’t seem amused by the jackassery of State Farm’s Oxford Mississippi based lawyers Scot Spragins and Lucky Tucker of Hickman, … Continue reading “Well here is another nice mess you’ve gotten me into Part Deux: Judge Senter lowers the boom on the topic of State Farm’s cancerous Katrina claims handling. Slabbed Congratulates Henry and June Kuehn”

Henry and June and the Topic of State Farm’s Cancerous Claims Handling: A Kuehn v State Farm Update (Updated)

Far from the claims handling equivalent of this literary masterpiece, the case of Kuehn v State Farm has more twists, turns and legal perversions than Anaïs Nin’s book on the writing of that literary masterpiece.  We’ve presented this case on Slabbed in part to highlight the bad faith methods State Farm, with the help of the Mississippi … Continue reading “Henry and June and the Topic of State Farm’s Cancerous Claims Handling: A Kuehn v State Farm Update (Updated)”

Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into – Kuehn files Motion in limine to exclude Spragins and Tucker

Plaintiffs would show that any testimony that may be offered by Defendant’s counsel, H. Scot Spragins or Lawrence J. Tucker, should be prohibited and/or excluded. State Farm previously stated…that “State Farm’s counsel is not the only source of the information Plaintiffs seek. Moreover, any information they possesses [sic] is not relevant or crucial to the … Continue reading “Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into – Kuehn files Motion in limine to exclude Spragins and Tucker”

Henry and June plus Lewis and Scot: An Appraisal Story and Kuehn Update Prequel

I’ve kept fairly quiet since late April on Kuehn v State Farm, a case with a little something for everyone. We have the appraisal clause and State Farm ignoring it. We have a typical State Farm hired gun lawyer in Scot Spragins of Oxford Mississippi and the spectacle of Scot beclowing himself before an audience of political leaders, fellow lawyers and … Continue reading “Henry and June plus Lewis and Scot: An Appraisal Story and Kuehn Update Prequel”

A Kuehn Prequel Courtesy of Anita Lee at the Sun Herald

To give our readers a look back at Kuehn and how State Farm made up the rules as they went along in how they adjusted claims after Katrina lets visit with Anita Lee and a story she wrote back in May of 2006 on the Kuehns battle to get State Farm to honor their own policy … Continue reading “A Kuehn Prequel Courtesy of Anita Lee at the Sun Herald”

A Kuehn Appraisal Postscript: Hired Guns and Childrens Imagination Station v Prime Insurance Syndicate

Our posts on Kuehn v State Farm have created a good bit of buzz in certain insurance and legal circles as interested parties have flooded us with information on the appraisal clause, insurance cases involving appraisal and of course its misapplication in Dwyer which I profiled earlier today. Chip Merlin picked up our Kuehn coverage on his … Continue reading “A Kuehn Appraisal Postscript: Hired Guns and Childrens Imagination Station v Prime Insurance Syndicate”

Kuehn v State Farm: From a simple ass to an ass-clown. Team State Farm sets new lows courtesy of the insurance defense bar.

Nowdy has been doing yeoman’s work keeping Slabbed stocked with material in my absence but when she emailed me the recent case activity in Kuehn v State Farm I knew it was time to get back into the game. To bring everyone up to speed I highly recommend Nowdy’s two previous posts on this case which … Continue reading “Kuehn v State Farm: From a simple ass to an ass-clown. Team State Farm sets new lows courtesy of the insurance defense bar.”

Double Trouble Doubled Down – Kuehn v State Farm

Remember the Kuehn’s of Double Trouble Kuehn v State Farm? On February 28, 2008, the appraisal process concluded, and the umpire and the parties’ appraisers signed an Award setting forth the appraisal amount of $174,811.80…counsel for State Farm Fire told the appraisers and the umpire that the Award did not specify which part was for … Continue reading “Double Trouble Doubled Down – Kuehn v State Farm”

Double Trouble – Kuehn v State Farm

Imagine having to file not one, but two, lawsuits against your insurer in an attempt to resolve your Katrina damage claim!  That’s exactly the situation facing Henry and June Kuehn – a couple with by far the most interesting case in the small sample I selected at random from the approximately 200 insurance cases in … Continue reading “Double Trouble – Kuehn v State Farm”