Let’s visit with the G Bitch over at her spot to get the lowdown on the Orleans Parish School Board District 3 race

Yes folks there is a NOLAclsuive blogger that goes by the handle G Bitch and she has had a thing or two to say about Orleans Parish School Board Candidate Sarah Usdin, who appears to me to be long on flash and talking points but possessive of baggage.

Baggage?? I’m a firm believer in contra indicators and to the extent both Clancy DuBos’ Gambit and The Times Picayune have had special talents endorsing future felons for political office the fact both endorsed Usdin should give everyone pause, especially when it appears large amounts of money at Usdin’s nonprofit were not spent directly educating kids at the Charter Schools her non-profit supported. Finally there ha$ got to be a rea$on $omeone leave$ a 6 figure job at a nonprofit dedicated to Charter $chool $tyle education to run for $chool board that i$ likeLy related to the massive amount$ of out of $tate campaign ca$h U$din ha$ banked.

The incumbant, Brett Bonin sure enough looks like a geek in the pictures you see of him at NOLA.com but I hear he busts his ass for his peeps in OPSB District 3 and is in the game for the right reasons. As a general rule I’m Cavet emptor on pretty faces spouting talking points and that goes double in education. We’re keeping an eye on this race.