WLOX gives the State Farm rate hike another editorial try. Sponsored by the Mississippi Coast State Farm Agents

Poor ol’ Dave looks like he tires of being Ed Rust’s bottom beetch. If it is possible this WLOX Op-ed is worse than the one they ran back in August.

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In laymen’s terms you don’t want to piss off Ed Rust or he might just break your legs.


3 thoughts on “WLOX gives the State Farm rate hike another editorial try. Sponsored by the Mississippi Coast State Farm Agents”

  1. I’ll be the first to note that WLOX was so proud of Dave Vincent’s editorial they removed it from their website. Typically the media likes it when we drive 40 plus hits to their websites but evidently not WLOX. One word Nowdy…..Pathetic.


  2. Yeah I am feeling a bit frosty today. And to see you tied it up with my buddy Rob Young. 😉 LMAO!!!!!

    You gotta forgive Rob, he is addicted to writing letters to the editor for his frenchy tree hugger sponsor.

    I just left you a comment to that effect over yonder at your place.


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