From the drunken hypocrite files I offer former Ocean Springs mayoral hopeful Scott Walker

The Sun Herald

I figure there are many in the political class, apparently disproportionately on the political right, that just can not help themselves when it comes to hypocrisy. Along those lines I offer GOP political hack and mayoral wannabe Scott Walker of Ocean Springs, whose recent campaign against Conne Moran was accompanied by rumors that Moran was a drunk. I don’t think we’ll be hearing any more about that as ol’ Scott was arrested for drunk driving this past weekend in Ocean Springs. Donna Melton has the skinny for the Sun Herald:

Former mayoral candidate and local businessman Scott Walker will plead not guilty to a charge of driving under the influence, his attorney said.

Walker was arrested by Ocean Springs police sometime early Saturday morning.

Lt. Steve Futral said Saturday that Walker was taken into custody on a suspicion of DUI charge, processed and given an appearance bond.

Take a cab next time Scott.


2 thoughts on “From the drunken hypocrite files I offer former Ocean Springs mayoral hopeful Scott Walker”

  1. Connie Moran is far worse than a drunk. She is an advocate of police brutality and has used them as henchmen in doing her unscrupulous bidding . I plan to sue her and the city for blatant criminal activity. Missing videos seems to be a common issue in O.S. . These lawless louts have every other law enforcement tool known to the civilized world why not video ? Because they are criminals plain and simple .

    It is despicable that they have not brought to justice the persons responsible for severely injuring Frank Leach whom incidentally was beaten by another criminal cop while trying to be an ambassador for our city during one of its biggest draws Cruising the Coast. only after that officer beat up his girlfriend multiple times was he let go. not for beating a city official.

    not surprising since officer navas is still not been brought up on any charges for his culpability in the tragic death of his own co-worker . WAKE UP!! Citizens of O.S. if they will kill their own why not you? I mean it wont be recorded . They will perjure and lie to federal authorities or whatever it take to continue to believe that they are powerful men when in reality they are COWARDS who beat handcuffed prisoners because they are so tough.

    1. I had no idea that Connie Moran was passed out dead drunk in an SUV on a city lane nor did I ever hear that she made Scott Walker drink to that point. Frank Leach, a man I know professionally, is a different critter and the fact he is no longer in public service tells the tale of how he became drunk with power, a leading cause of his downfall.

      Justifying the anti social behavior by the political hack son of a wealthy, politically connected doctor by attacking someone else won’t hunt here James.

      Rest assured however, should Mayor Moran pose for a mug shot a la Scott Walker we’ll be running it.


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