USA v O’Dwyer – Ashton files Appellee Brief with 5th Circuit

Ashton’s brief in scribd format below speaks for itself and reads like a book.

I have just a few words – and all are directed to US Attorney Jim Letten:

You really should be ashamed of yourself for appealing the dismissal of USA v O’Dwyer!  Man up! Let it go!

[scribd id=47841735 key=key-2f9pldkrvfqzz9tiapya mode=list]

13 thoughts on “USA v O’Dwyer – Ashton files Appellee Brief with 5th Circuit”

  1. I see lots of readers; so, I’ll kick off comments with this quote from one of the email messages in the Exhibits to the brief:

    “My language in communicating with ‘the Government’ is designed to show them that I have no respect for them, that I hold them in contempt, that I don’t fear them and, if they fail to do “the right thing”, that I will embarrass and humiliate them, just as has been done to me”.

    Although, I don’t agree with Ashton’s approach (understatement), I think this “admission” confirms the decision of the Judge who dismissed USA v O’Dwyer.

    A second quote, this one from the brief, puts his “language in communicating with ‘the government'” in the context of the “episode” leading to his arrest.

    “Please ask his Honor to consider allowing me to refill my prescription at Walgreen

  2. Thank you Nowdy for your most succinct observations… both the failure of the Government in not only failing to achieve justice but failing to render justice.

    And Sop, who said Letten wasn’t shameless ?

  3. Ashton R. O’Dwyer:

    What exactly happened in 2005 for you to be arrested and detained? Did you have any complaints or warnings prior to your arrest?

    If you leave out all the curse words and insults, I bet it’s still an interesting story.

  4. To NAAS: I am reticent to, and dislike, commenting to a POST about me, but here goes: Yes, the events leading up to and culminating in what was done to me by “law enforcement” on 9/20/05 are very interesting, and are available on PACER in Civil Action No. 06-7280 on the Eastern District docket and in Case No. 08-30052 in the Fifth Circuit.

    Bottom line: I got FUCKED courtesy of Fifth Circuit Judge James L. Dennis (and his surrogates and “spear carriers”), who I will see BURN IN HELL. Dennis formerly served on the Louisiana Supreme Court with Catherine “Kitty” Kimball, who sicked the dogs on me at a meeting in Baton Rouge on 9/11/05, and who “covered” for Kimball thereafter, in violation of his oath of office.

    I received several “warnings” prior to the events of 9/20/05, which included (1) Being lied to by my law firm who said that Plattsmier (who PIMPS for Kimball) had suspended me from the practice of law, but that they had “influence” with Plattsmier (that fucking PIMP) and could get the suspension lifted if I would (a) stop giving interviews, (b) surrender all weapons in my possession to “lawful authority”, and (c) abandon my house at 6034 St. Charles Ave. and leave New Orleans. These “threats” occurred between 9/11 and 9/16/2005, and one of them was even reduced to writing.

    Then, on Saturday, 9/17/05, I was visited by an entourage which included Burton Guidry, Chief of the Criminal Section of the Louisiana Department of Justice and Foti’s “hatchet man”, a “goon” investigator from Foti’s office named “Ricky Murphy”, and the Louisiana State Bar Association President, who is a dispicable individual who is SPINELESS and a LIAR. His name is “Frank Neuner”, and I SPIT on him.

    I was “warned” that “Complaints have been made about you at the highest levels of government”, to which I replied, “Then THEY’RE the ones who have to worry, not ME.” Of course I had done nothing wrong, but there were @ 1500 dead and billions in property damage unaccounted for (and STILL unaccounted for). Guidry (that fat slob degenerate) looked me in the eye and said, “Either you’re the bravest man I’ve ever known, or you’re the dumbest son-of-a-bitch on the face of the earth”, then giving me a blessing and saying, “God Bless You, Brother.” I didn’t realize it at the time, but that was a “Mafia” kiss of death. This all happened on the 17th.

    I filed the first KATRINA lawsuit on Monday the 19th, and at 5 minutes past midnight on Tuesday morning the 20th, 12 hours after the filing of my lawsuit, I was abducted from my property by State Police “goons”, taken to the Union Passenger Terminal, and brutalized and tortured by a bunch of “goons from Angola”, and held illegally for 16 1/2 hours.

    Upon my release, I was informed for the first time that I had been arrested for “public intoxication”, a totally BULLSHIT charge for which I was ner even arraigned, much less prosecuted (and when I was abducted I was on my own FUCKING property and not intoxicated).

    There are MANY, MANY more facts and details, but I hope this answers your questions, NAAS. I have since learned about the presence of the NUMEROUS Federal employees at the Union Passenger Terminal, including colleagues of Letten (SPIT!), and particularly a little SHIT named Michael Magner, who I aver was complicit (among other Federal employees) in what was done to me there. And of course, just like the NOPD on the West Bank (Habans Elementary) in the aftermath of KATRINA, THE FEDS HAVE LIED AND ATTEMPTED TO COVER UP THEIR CRIMES. Ashton O’Dwyer a/k/a “The WHITE Henry Glover”.

  5. In all fairness to those who had concerns about your behavior back in 2005, I have not seen the media interviews or other activities they felt warranted sending the State Police to your home to arrest you for public intoxication during these early days after Hurricane Katrina filled up New Orleans.

    Do you know if that evidence is available from the court proceedings you identified? Is there some other source of those interviews?

    Did you have a weapon charge or something like that?

  6. To NAAS: I was handed a sheet of paper (toilet paper) saying I’d been arrested for “public intoxication” on my own FUCKING property, notwithstanding the fact that every time I saw one of the “goons” for 16 1/2 hours I said, “Am I under arrest? If so, what are the charges against me. I wish to make a telephone call. I wish to call my lawyer, etc., etc. etc.). How could a “weapons” charge have been sustained, when my weapons were legally inside my house, and I was in my driveway when I was “abducted”? The “goons” knew they couldn’t even sustain a charge of “resisting arrest”, because I didn’t resist. And here’s the “punchline”: THERE WERE WITNESSES, WHO I HAVE IN MY HIP POCKET. These STUPID motherfuckers! Ashton O’Dwyer a/k/a “The WHITE Henry Glover”.

  7. This is what I don’t understand. Were you suspended by the ODC; when were you suspended; and, why were you suspended?

  8. To NAAS: While I was languishing in solitary confinement in February 2010, I was summarily suspended by an “Uncle Tom” ad hoc Disciplinary Counsel appointed by Plattsmier, who recused “hissef” in my case, named “Mark Dumaine”, a Negro Assistant District Attorney in East Baton Rouge Parish (who FAILED to investigate and prosecute the CRIMES against me that occurred within his jurisdiction, including those committed by Plattsmier). It was a total “FUCK JOB”. No prior notice; no opportunity to see the charges against me; no opportunity to defend myself: Just “You constitute a clear and present danger to the safety of the public and are hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law in the State of Louisiana, INDEFINITELY.” The grounds referred to in the Order which was served on me in prison, after-the-fact, referenced what had transpired in Federal Court before Lemelle (SPIT!) and my arrest for allegedly threatening unnamed and unidentifiable “persons”. This was orchestrated by Chief “Injustice” Kimball and her “pimp” Plattsmier, both of whom were complicit in my abduction, brutalization, torture and false imprisonment on 9/20/05, and in the “cover-up” since then. Ashton O’Dwyer a/k/a “The WHITE Henry Glover”.

  9. Okay. That may clear it up for me. Based on what you wrote above, I thought your old firm was offering to help with a suspension back in 2005.

  10. Now, I’m confused. Were other suspensions just from practicing before certain courts and not suspension from the practice of law?

  11. No, NAAS. My “old” firm were part of a conspiracy to intimidate me into silence post-KATRINA, which “escalated” into an abduction, false arrest by State Police “goons”, and brutalization and torture by “goons from Angola” while being held under false arrest. The “goons” had been advised that it didn’t matter what they did to me, because they were “immune” under State law. Of course, this was BULLSHIT, but since the “organizers” of the criminal, gangland-style “hit” against me are so powerful, they succeeded in having crooked Judges in the Federal system throw my case out, so that the goons would remain silent. The “suspension” about which I was informed in the week or so prior to my abduction was a BULLSHIT LIE to attempt to intimidate me. When Burton Guidry (Foti’s “hatchet man”) and that gutless liar of a State Bar Association President Frank Neuner came to my house on the Saturday prior to my abduction, I firmly believe that they intended to have me “committed”. However, I wasn’t crazy, and there were too many witnesses around. So they left with their tails between their legs and reported back to Foti, Kimball and Plattsmier that they should implement “Plan B”, which caused my abduction, etc. a few days later. The law firm of Lemle & Kelleher were involved “up to the eyeballs” and I am firmly committed to putting certain partners and former partners behind bars for what they conspired to have done to me (and for their active involvement in the “cover-up” and obstruction of justice). And of course the irony here is that NONE OF THESE CRIMINALS HAS BEEN PROSECUTED BY LETTEN. Yet, I remain liable to criminal prosecution for a “make believe” crime should I lose this appeal. Ashton O’Dwyer a/k/a “The WHITE Henry Glover”.

  12. I think enemies had been made and retribution was decided during the chaos of Katrina & no one would notice. However, it made the news and once in they decided to destroy Ashton to take notice off of themselves. They had the power so they could do what they wanted. The disbarmnet came after Ashton filed information on Katrina that could not be disputed so they stopped him from practicing law.

    However, the facts are still there and most come from the Federal Websites setup some prior to Katrina and some after Katrina due to “transprancy”. However, they hid most problems in very large files so as not to be easily found. He had them they read his information and put him out of the practice of law.

    We are truly loosing our ability to have rights, government of, by and for the people and leaning on special interest politically connected groups.

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