3 thoughts on “”

  1. It strikes me as IRONIC that “race relations” in the USA have deteriorated to the point that a WHITE MAN cannot say “Tar Baby” without being branded a RACIST. Sorry, but the last time I “looked”, TAR was BLACK and STICKY. Maybe certain segments of Society would have preferred that the story of “The Tar Baby” should have been named (with a “New Orleans” connection): “”The Roman Taffy Vanilla Baby” or “The Roman Candy Strawberry Baby” ( I have purposely omitted the “chocolate” flavor so that I don’t offend anyone). THIS IS SO-O-O-O FUCKED UP! The “tar baby” of the 21st Century Negro in the USA is the fact that @ 14% of the population commit (fill in the blank) % of the CRIME. Unfortunately, the “chimp” in the White House, and Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, and Louis Farrakhan, and others, won’t address THAT. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. A-O’D,

      I have been reading your comments for quite some time and I must say, I really enjoy them as I see eye to eye with a lot of your opinions.

      Although I have my personal views on black trash like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, I also believe Obama gets thrown into the mix inadvertently at times. I honestly think the majority of shit house blacks use the black man in the white house as a crutch to fuel race relations because keep down, those same shit house blacks really believe Obama will support their ideology all the way. Of course it would be interesting to see how many blacks voted for Obama just because he is black. I would be willing to bet that if reality were ever to be revealed, the number would be astonishing. Of course, I also feel that a large % of black america (along with white trailer trash) would thrive in a government-run communist society. For those who think we are close to that, take a trip to Cuba and you will quickly see otherwise.

  2. Oh! Yes! “I SPY”. I have been to several Communist countries: The former Soviet Union, East Germany (before the Wall came down), the Peoples Republic of China, and Cuba. People in this country would KISS THE GROUND before they would allow themselves to live under the TYRANNY I observed and experienced in those places. In the meantime, perhaps we should all step back, and seek, “The Laughing Place” described by “Ber’e Rabbit” in “Song of the South” in which Uncle Remus sang “Zip-A-Di-Do-Da”. Ashton O’Dwyer.

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