Please excuse my rude cousin Slabb O’Leak as he passes La Gasse

Again nothing earth shattering but for those so interested here is today’s Slabb O’Leak. ~ sop

From: PBorne
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 4:22 PM
To: AVandenweghe
Cc: TAWhitmer; BSmith; TWilkinson
Subject: Public Records Request

Anne Marie, I just received a public records request in the mail for a copy of all contracts between Jefferson Parish and Riverbirch Landfill for disposal of parish waste at Riverbirch Landfill. I will deliver the original letter to you today.

8 thoughts on “Please excuse my rude cousin Slabb O’Leak as he passes La Gasse”

  1. Page 16 – Ex-Con Nick Baroni getting an “industrial fabrics” contract with JP.

    Awesome mail list, including Davezac of course.

  2. Can someone enlighten me as to why every member of the JP Council must be notified when a FOIA/Public Records Request is made? Is this standard procedure, or does this only happen when someone asks for River Bitch contracts/documents?

  3. I don’t have a dog in this hunt but if one of my salespersons wrote to a customer with such bad English and misspellings as Nick Baroni they would be fired immediately. If I received such a poorly written letter it would go directly to the trash.
    Keep up the good work guys and gals, I check “Slabbed” everyday!

  4. Very interesting. We have a lot of Lagasses, like Collette Adams Lagasse of Ochsner Medical Hospital, Kenner e-mailing Elton Lagasse and Yvonne Lagasse and cc to Thomas Lagasse of certain tasks to be done somewhere.

    On or about August 29, 2009 the tasks include (1) shredding Tommy’s bank statements, (2) purging cabinet files, (3) storing Elton Lagasses’ awards to name a few.

    Sounds like a huge gasseous family outing of sorts.

  5. What I do know is that the a absence of his Barry Bordelon not being the primary party to these e-mails tells me these miscreants are wise to the new media…

  6. I also seem to recall a stink several years ago about Lagasse’s son (not Billy), who was a habitual DWI offender; might have even done some jail time. Telemachus is great with TP archived articles, maybe he can find it.

  7. So Coulon’s kneebender, Nancy Cassange, wants anyone who will listen through her mouthpiece Peter Butler, Jr. that she knew nothing about the two Timmys’ involvement with the insurance scam at WJMC. And hey let’s give Tim and his whore son, Chris, more public money:

    “From: Cassagne, Nancy R. [[email protected]]
    Sent: 10/19/2009 6:34 PM
    To: ELagasse
    Cc: Bordelon; ELopez

    Subject: Resolution for WJMC
    Attachments: Resolution federal lobbying.doc.rtf

    Attached is a resolution requesting approval of the Council to amend its contract to allow WJMC to
    negotiate with Adams and Reese for federal lobbying services. Please let me know if you have any
    questions. Thanks.”

    Disgusting, absolutely disgusting !

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