One thought on “Matty Ice my ass….”

  1. A little salve for the soul: the Falcons were plucked last night, as far worse defeat than the Saints’ – at home, vs the Nos. 6 seed. And of course the tepid ATL fans showed their true colors, never making much noise, leaving early in droves.

    I still remain convinced the Saints would have been hosting the NFC Championship if they had slid by the Seahags (dropped TD ball by Bush, missed holding call on the Lynch run, a couple questionable play calls etc., making the slimmest of margins) and of course they never should have had to go there in the first place. Given the injuries and the situation, I think we all remain very proud of them. A longtime Saints fan, I can say they represented our home well, valiantly even, and for once looking towards “next year” has far less sting in it than it used to.

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