I’ll make this short and sweet because the politicians are super busy

Watching the Biden Administration essentially negotiate itself out of a minimum wage hike reminds me of all the times during the Obama years when Biden would help the Democrats negotiate itself out of all sorts of things that would benefit ordinary Americans in favor of big business bailouts with no accountability for the Super Wealthy criminals that cratered the economy. Some things never change folks. It was exactly why a criminal was elected President in 2016.

If the Democrats aren’t careful, the next GOP criminal running under the guise of being a disruptor could easily make the Trump years seem like child’s play. Put another way, sold out ordinary Americans have no incentive to preserve a system that only benefits the Super Wealthy and Big Business. There is no shortage of lunatics like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Paul Gosar or malignant sociopaths like Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley ready to step into that breech.

The days when the American taxpayers subsidize Walmart and McDonalds via the food stamp program because they pay their workers starvation wages needs to end now. And if that means the price of a Big Mac or cheap Chinese trinkets reflects their true cost to produce/sell at checkout, so be it.